from 280 million to 230 million years ago; reptiles
用作形容词 (adj.)
Permian bioclastic limestone and bioherm are the most favorable reservoirs. 二叠系生屑灰岩和生物礁为最有利的储层。
The clastic rocks in Permian System at the southeast area of Ordos Basin contain tremendous potential in exploration of natural gas. 鄂尔多斯盆地东南部二叠系碎屑岩具有巨大的天然气勘探潜力。
用作名词 (n.)
Cathaysian Flora extincted totally at the end of Permian. 华夏植物群在二叠纪末绝灭。
During the Permian, the continents joined to form a single supercontinent, Pangaea. 二叠纪时期,各大陆组合成了一个单一的超级大陆板块盘古大陆。