- Peripheral lung lesion 肺部周围性病变
- Calcification, air-bronchogram, cavity and pleural indentation of the lesion in the peripheral lung cancer were better displayed by spiral than by conventional CT. 螺旋CT扫描对病灶内钙化、空泡、空气支气管、空洞及病灶局部胸膜凹陷等征象均优于常规CT。
- however, the development of miniature probes and endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) has improved the accurate localization of peripheral lung lesions and the diagnostic rates. 然而、使用支气管内超音波能更准确的定位肺部周边异常的病灶并且增加诊断率。
- Value of enhanced CT scan in dia gnosing peripheral lung cancer. 增强扫描在CT诊断周围型肺癌中的价值
- Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of transbronchoscopic lung biopsy for peripheral lung cancer. 目的探讨经支气管镜肺活检对周围型肺癌的诊断价值。
- Multiple tumor marker protein biochip detective system has high reliable practical value in differentiating diagnosis of benign and malignant lung lesion patients. 多肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片检测系统在肺良、恶性病变的鉴别诊断中有较高的应用价值。
- The diagnostic workup included a chest CT scan that showed a right upper lobe lung lesion consistent with bronchogenic carcinoma, a diagnosis later confirmed by lung biopsy. 诊断性检查包括胸部CT扫描,结果显示怀疑右肺叶肺癌。后来的活检证实了这一诊断。
- Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of lung biopsy by electronic bronchoscope for peripheral lung cancer. 目的探讨经电子支气管镜肺活组织检查术对周围型肺癌的诊断价值。
- Conclusion In the diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer, the method maybe the best choice if the cancer is showed cl... 结论对于周围型肺癌的诊断,只要超声能清楚显像宜首选超声引导经皮肺活检肿瘤组织。
- Objective To evaluate the SSD findings of pleural indentation (PI) of peripheral lung cancer on MDCT. 目的评价周围型肺癌胸膜凹陷征表面遮盖成像(SSD)的三维肺表面表现。
- Two shoulder pain: pulmonary peripheral lung cancer often backwards on the development, erosion pleura, involving the ribs and chest wall, which led to shoulder pain. 肩背痛:肺外围型肺癌常向后上发展,侵蚀胸膜,累及肋骨和胸壁组织,从而引起肩背痛。
- Originated from the lung of the distal bronchial lung cancer in the lung around the site were known as peripheral lung cancer. 起源于肺段支气管远侧的肺癌,位于肺的周围部位者称为周围型肺癌。
- Focal organizing pneumonia is sometimes similar to peripheral lung cancer and T.B. And thus the differential diagnosis must be based on pathology. 局灶性机化肺炎有时与末梢性肺炎和结核相似,因之鉴别诊断必需根据病理。
- Objective To explore the diagnostic value of peripheral lung cancer of carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA)in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF). 目的探讨支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中癌胚抗原(CEA)测定对周围型肺癌的诊断价值。
- Objective To investigate the CT features of peripheral lung cancer and tuberculoma and to improve differential diagnosis of them. 目的探讨周围型肺癌与结核球的CT表现及特征,提高两者的鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析临床365例孤立性肺结节病例的螺旋CT征象。
- We use the TBB for peripheral lung tumor or lung tissue with two-direction fluoroscopy location and get the pathology results. 方法:局麻下利用正侧位透视定位,经支气管镜活检钳取活检,所得病理结果与最终确定诊断作比较,判断该方法临床应用的效果。
- Objective It is to study the clinical value of video-assisted thoracoscope surgery (VATS) in early-stage peripheral lung cancer surgery. 目的探讨电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)在早期肺癌手术中的临床价值。
- Objective To investigate the dynamic CT features of peripheral lung cancer (PLC) and pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor(IPT). 目的探讨周围型肺癌(PLC)与肺炎性假瘤(IPT)的动态CT特征。
- Calcification in lung lesions is an important assessing factor and usually indicates a benign entity. 摘要钙化在肺病变中是一个重要的评估依据且常是良性的指标。
- Limited resection is a good option for treating those patients with T_1N_0M_0 peripheral lung cancer who had previously undergone a contralateral pulmo... 因此,作者认为对过去曾行肺切除手术、心肺功能低下或高龄的T_1N_0M_0周围型肺癌病人行局限性肺切除是一较好的选择。