- According to the requirements of interconnection bandwidth,two types of optical network interface cards(ONIC) were designed to support peripheral component interface(PCI) bus full bandwidth of 1.056 Gbit/s and 4.224 Gbit/s,respectively. 根据互连带宽要求;分别设计了两种支持1.;056Gbit/s和4
- Peripheral Component Interface 外设部件接口
- PCI is the short form of Peripheral Component Interconnect,and as a generic bus interface standards,it got very extensive application in the current computer system. 外围设备互连(Peripheral Component Interconnect,PCI)作为一种通用的总线接口标准在目前的计算机系统中得到了非常广泛的应用。
- The reason to use several kinds of component interface mo... 详细分析了采用多种组件接口模型的意义。
- On the base of developing condition about the engine test-bed experiment, a new type of computer measurement system is developed based on PCI( Peripheral Component Interconnect). 在内燃机台架试验测试平台的基础上,利用基于PCI总线技术开发了一套新型的计算机测试系统。
- PCI bus can interconnect peripheral components with CPU. PCI局部总线实现了周边设备与中央处理器的高速互连。
- A designing method of super-speed data acquisition and transmission based on PCI (Peripheral Component Interconne) bus is described. 摘要介绍了一种采用PCI总线实现数据高速采集、传输的设计方法。
- According to XML API,XML-based data validator which extends component interface is built to process dataset inside the component. XML API在组件内部建立处理数据集的XML校验器,实现了原组件接口的扩展。
- In this paper, we discussed the principal of three-tier architecture and its influence on component, also explained how to design component interface in term of COM/DCOM standard. 本文论述了三层结构的原理及其对组件的影响,讨论了如何按COM/DCOM标准来设计组件接口。
- Less power loss and minimum thermal effect to peripheral components. 功率损耗低;对周边设备的热影响低.
- Hardware vendors build computers with redundant, hot-swappable components, such as Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) cards and memory. 硬件供应商使用冗余、可热插拔的组件来组装计算机,例如外围组件互连(PCI)卡和内存。
- IEC 61970 defines an application program interface (API) for an energy management system (EMS) for integration of different EMS effectively and conveniently, which includes Common Information Model (CIM) and Component Interface Specification (CIS). 为了能够快速实现不同EMS系统的有效集成,美国EPRI提出了一套EMS系统的应用程序接口规范(CCAPI),现已被IEC采纳为IEC-61970标准。
- The coding flow including analog audio signal sampling and PCM coding using CODEC, MP3 coding of digital audio signal using DSP, MP3 compressed data frame transmission to personal computer (PC) using Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus. 它的主要工作流程为:先用音频编解码器对音频信号进行采样得到数字音频信号,然后用DSP对数字音频信号进行MP3压缩编码并送入双口RAM,最后通过PCI总线将压缩编码后的MP3数据帧实时传送给PC机。
- It discusses the systematic realization course from data warehouse to data mining and On-Line Analytical Processing separately, and provide the method to realize component interface. 分别从数据仓库、数据挖掘和联机分析处理三方面讨论了系统的实现过程,并给出构件接口实现的方法。
- Peripheral Component Interconnect. A standard for connecting peripherals to processors that is processor independent. 周边元件扩展接口。处理器独立的连接周边元件的标准。
- PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. A standard for connecting peripherals to processors that is processor independent. 周边元件扩展接口。处理器独立的连接周边元件的标准。
- The addition of internal gain and internal overrange registers make the AD7765 a compact, highly integrated data acquisition device requiring minimal peripheral components. AD7765还集成了内部增益与内部超量程寄存器,使之成为一款高度集成的紧凑型数据采集器件,只需极少的外围元件。
- The addition of internal gain and internal overrange registers make the AD7764 a compact, highly integrated data acquisition device requiring minimal peripheral components. AD7764还集成了内部增益与内部超量程寄存器,使之成为一款高度集成的紧凑型数据采集器件,只需极少的外围元件。
- The current EJB model requires creation of several component interfaces and implementation of several unnecessary callback methods. 现在的EJB模型需要建立许多组件接口和实现许多不必要的回滚方法。
- The component interfaces require implementation of EJBObject or EJBLocalObject and handling of many unnecessary exceptions is required. 现在的EJB模型需要建立许多组件接口和实现许多不必要的回滚方法。