- Perilla nankinensis Decne. [医] 紫苏
- Epimedium macranthum Morr.et Decne. 大花淫羊藿
- Euphorbia sieboldiana Morr.et Decne. 钩腺大戟
- Nutritional Component from Aucklandia lappa Decne. 野生植物白酒草的营养成分。
- Akebia quinata ( Thunb. ) Decne. 五叶木通
- Perilla frutescens ( L. ) Britton. 白苏叶
- Products: Zingiber mioga Rose、Perilla Leaf. 主要产品:茗荷、紫苏。
- A review on the chemistry and pharmacology of Perilla L. 紫苏类中药化学和药理的研究概况。
- Perilla greengage jam is made according to the principle of food process. 紫苏梅酱以紫苏、青梅为主原料,配以其它辅料,加工研制而成。
- The nutritional contents of Perilla's leave, stem and seed were investigated. 对紫苏醛*的叶、茎、籽中营养成分进行了研究。
- The fair shrimp, Chirocephalus nankinensis, is the large branchiopoda crustacean. 丰年虫是我国特有的大型淡水鳃足类甲壳动物,其休眠卵具饰纹结构。
- Perilla frutescens Britt. var. crispa Decne. forma nankinensis Sun 鸡冠紫苏
- Virus-free Plantlet Culture and in Vitro Bulbil Induction of Dioscorea Batatas Decne. 脚板薯(Dioscorea batatas Decne.;)脱毒试管苗培育及其试管珠芽诱导
- The Biological Properties and the Nursing and Afforestation Technology of Camptotheca acuminate Decne. 喜树生物学特性与栽培技术。
- Rocket, morning glory, perilla, which I planted on my veranda last week had started sprouting together. 几天前在我房间阳台为遮阳和食用种的意大利素菜,喇叭花,绿紫苏已开始一齐发芽。
- Methods:TLC was employed to identify Auckiandialappa Decne and Coptis chinensis. 方法采用薄层色谱法对理气胃痛片中木香、黄连进行定性鉴别。
- Objective To establish the fingerprints for the volatile oil of Aucklandia lappa Decne. 目的建立木香饮片挥发油指纹图谱。
- Microwave radiation extraction was used for extracting the volatile oil in the Aucklandia lappa decne. 采用微波照射-萃取法提取木香挥发性物质,测得木香挥发油的含量为4。
- Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, Job's-tears, angelica root, peony, perilla, protease, moisturizing factor etc. 成份:清纯橄榄精油、薏苡仁、当归根、芍药、紫苏、蛋白酶、保湿剂等。