- People crowded the street. 人们群集在街道上。
- Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets. 成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。
- People crowded in from the street until many customers were standing. The walls shook as hands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols. 人们络绎不绝地从街上向餐馆涌来,其中一些顾客由于没有空位而只好站在那里。人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震得餐厅的四壁阵阵发颤。
- For three consecutive days, thousands of people crowded the place to see the young man painting the Buddha. 就这样,一连三天,观众人山人海,把瓦官寺挤得水泄不通。
- Many people crowded the gate of the law court, waiting to see what kind of punishment the criminal who committed innumerable sins would get. 许多群众聚集在法院门口,等着看这个擢发难数的罪犯将得到怎样的严惩。
- The street is blocked up with crowd. 这条街为人群所堵塞。
- Each side of the street was crowded with people. 街道的两边都挤满了人。
- As shuttling back and forth in having crowded the car row-by-row , going visiting on the street, the field comes and goes galloping. 在街上,挤满了一排排,一串串的小汽车穿梭般地来往奔驰。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- People crowded round the scene of the accident. 许多人聚集在事故现场的周围。
- Passengers crowded the platform. 月台挤满了乘客。
- Confronted by an angry crowd the police retreated. 警察面对愤怒的人群只好后撤了。
- The street is overarched by ginkgoes. 那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。
- The people crowded in to see him . 人们涌进来见他。
- Thus millions of people crowding the wide avenues which connect those cities could watch the fuse burn its way northward to Herr Hitler's funeral pyre. 这样,千家万户平民百姓,簇拥在连接这几座城市的宽阔大道上,都可以一睹这根引线由南向北一路燃去,直到把为希特勒阁下举行火葬的柴火堆点着。
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners. 叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。