- Used by peers to join or leave peer groups. 对等机用它来加入或退出一个对等组。
- Spines is an open source overlay network system that allows easy deployment and testing of overlay protocols. Spines是源代码开放的覆盖网络,我们可以部署它用于测试覆盖网络协议,提高我们需要的服务质量要求。
- A novel Hierachical-Cluster P2P Overlay Network(HCPON) model is presented for live streaming media. 摘要 提出一种新型的分层分簇结构的P2P覆盖网络模型HCPON。
- The P2P network has been widely used in distributed computing systems,and the information systems in the digital city is essentially peer to peer. 对等网技术(P2P)已经在分布式计算系统中获得了广泛的应用,数字城市中的服务本质上也是对等的。
- Runs one of the directory authorities, used to run the Blossom project which uses Tor as its overlay network, and runs the exit. Py Tor relay list. 运行一台权威目录服务器;他的Blossom项目使用Tor作为覆盖网络;他还运行exit.;py Tor中继列表。
- RALMP constructs the overlay network on the application layer, so the edgesof the topology are actually end-to-end logical paths over physical links. RALMP在应用层上建立覆盖网络中的链路,节点间通过TCP建立端到端的可靠逻辑信道,并且仅需考虑由成员节点的不友好退出造成的数据丢失。
- Multicast Overlay Network technology is able to carry out multicast session in Partial-multicast Network,and can transport data with high efficiency. 组播覆盖网络技术可以在非完全组播网络中实现组播业务,并具有较高数据传输效率。
- Finally, we develop a parallelization searching prime application program in peer to peer JXTA network environment in order to test this solution's performance. 最后用一个具有任务无相关性并行计算素数检索程序检验该并行任务分配策略的性能。
- NEON aims to provide an experimental overlay network integrating innovative platforms where new technologies and more advanced services can be experimented. NEON打算提供整合全新平臺的一個實驗性表層網絡,可以實驗新技術和更先進的服務。
- If you share some files via eMule, a 'Peer to Peer plant' is grown, and so on. 每种被软件检测到的协议都会被种植上植物;比如你访问一个网页;那么"http植物"就会被种植.
- Application level multicast is a hot issue in current network study.Its multicast tree is constructed on the virtual completely-connected overlay network. 摘要应用层组播作为当前网络研究的热点,其组播树是构造在虚拟完全连通覆盖网络上的。
- P2P(Peer to Peer) is recently crowned as one of the key technologies in the next revolution of Internet. In the research of P2P network, JXTA(juxtapose),an absolutely new solution to P2P, has attracted more attention. 对等网络P2P (PeertoPeer)是因特网实现下一次飞跃的关键 ,在P2P网络模式的研究领域里 ,JXTA (juxtapose ,并行 )作为一种全新的P2P网络解决方案已经日益受到业界的关注。
- It organizes the global replica index nodes which are at the top level of replica location service into a P2P overlay network by Chord in order to achieve load balance and performance improvement. 该机制采用Chord算法将位于副本定位服务顶层的全局副本目录节点组成一个P2P覆盖网络,从而起到均衡负载、提高性能的目的。
- On the General tab, look for either Peer to Peer Trust or 在“常规”选项卡上;查找“对等信任”或“1.;3
- The rapid rise of the Internet and Intranet, especially the fast development of the P2P overlay network, has been due to the seamless access the information that is distributed in remote locations across the network. 随着公网Internet和企业网Intranet的快速发展,特别是最近P2P网络的飞速发展,网络上分布在不同地理位置的信息能够被方便地访问。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- We also develop a peer to peer based live video streaming system to prove and demonstrate the concepts of our results. 我们还设计实现了基于对等网络结构的大规模互联网视频实时直播系统。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- NTP evaluates any new peer to determine whether it qualifies as a new (more suitable) synchronisation source. NTP 会对任何新对等主机进行评估,以确定它是否能够作为新的(更适合的)同步源。