- Peasant Movement in Youjiang 右江农民运动
- Hunan Province was then the centre of the peasant movement in China. 湖南是当时全国农民运动的中心。
- The Tai Ping Tian Guo Peasant Revolution and Yi He Tuan Anti-Imperialism Movement signal the peak of contemporary peasant movement in China. 摘要太平天国农民革命和义和团反帝爱国运动,是中国近代农民运动的两次高潮,意义重大,影响深远,但最终还是失败了。
- The development of the peasant movement in Hunan may be divided roughly into two periods with respect to the counties in the province's central and southern parts where the movement has already made much headway. 湖南的农民运动,就湘中、湘南已发达的各县来说,大约分为两个时期。
- Onward movement in a particular direction; progress. 进展,进程,经历以特定方向向前运动; 进展
- There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth. 矮树丛里突然有什么东西动了一下。
- A short preliminary movement in a larger work. 序曲大型作品中的短小的起始乐章
- Movement in an opposite direction. 倒退在相反方向上的运动
- That was the dissident movement in Poland. 那是波兰的持不同政见者的运动。
- Peasant Movement along the Youjiang River 右江农民运动
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- Thus the evil of banditry has ended with the rise of the peasant movement. 因此,农运一起,匪患告绝。
- I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth. 我发现灌木丛中有些动静.
- Everywhere religious authority totters as the peasant movement develops. 神权的动摇,也是跟着农民运动的发展而普遍。
- There has been no movement in oil prices. 石油价格没有变化。
- And suddenly! A movement in the corner of the room! 突然!房间的角落有什么动静!
- I arrived in Guangzhou to enter the National Institute of the Peasant Movement. 我来到广州准备进全国农民运动讲习所。
- Earth movements in the past elevated great areas of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- For the present upsurge of the peasant movement is a colossal event. 因为目前农民运动的兴起是一个极大的问题。