- The pearly sheen absorbed many people. 珍珠的光泽吸引了很多人。
- Pearly Parakeetn. 珠色鹦哥
- Streaming video of Sparky the parakeet. 活泼的长尾小鹦鹉视频直播。
- The shell had a beautiful pearly lustre. 那贝壳具有珍珠般的美丽光泽。
- I had a pet turtle.My brother had a parakeet. 我养过一只龟,弟弟养过一只长尾鹦鹉。
- He Caught The Pearly Gates Express. 他赶上了去天堂的快车。
- The parakeet identified with Picasso clothed. 鹦鹉爱上了毕加索。
- Nick got through the Pearly Gates. 尼克上天堂了。
- An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. 有个工程师死了以后到天国之门报到。
- I get up pearly every day except (on) Sunday. 我除了星期天每天都很早起床。
- With pearly sweat resembling dew of night. 手上的点点汗珠,像夜晚花间的露水。
- A variety of feldspar valued as a gem for its pearly translucence. 月长石一种因为具有珍珠半透明的光泽而被视为宝石的长石
- A wide halo of pearly light can be seen around the dark moon. 可以看到一大片珍珠似的光晕围绕着暗弱的月球。
- The pearly internal layer of certain mollusk shells, used to make decorative objects. 珠母层某些软体动物壳内似珍珠的层,用来做装饰物
- Luster is vitreous to pearly especially on cleavage surfaces. 光泽 是玻璃体,以珠光,特别是对卵裂表面。
- The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray. 海浪冲击着礁石,飞起像珠子般的水花。
- Where are the beaming eyes, the pearly teeth now, I wonder? 明眸皓齿今何在;血污游魂归不得.
- Have your pearly whites lost their luster due to teeth stains? 你珍珠般靓丽的牙齿是否因为牙齿色斑而黯然失色?
- And the parakeet God bless him flew out a window once never to be seen again. 而那只鹦鹉,愿上帝保佑它,有一次飞出窗外,就再也没见到影儿。
- While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. 做演讲的时候,偶尔像一个小鹦鹉那样的伸伸脖子,然后又缩缩脖子。