- Peanut seedling stage 花生苗期
- Dought in during seedling stage enhanced anti-ageing enzyme activity in two peanut cultivars, and anti-ageing enzyme activity in Nongda 818 leaves was higher than that in Luhua 11 leaves. 苗期水分胁迫处理明显提高了两品种的抗衰老酶活性,农大818抗水分胁迫能力强于鲁花11。
- The result indicated that DPC could increase the content of IAA and Z+ZR in root system of peanut seedling,promote the growth of root system and increase activity of root system. 结果表明,DPC可提高花生幼苗根系中IAA和Z+ZR的含量,促进根系的生长,提高根系活力;DPC可促进花生苗期叶片叶绿素的合成,提高叶绿素含量,提高苗期叶片的光合速率。
- Population Dynamic of Aphids and Predatory Natural Enemies in the Seedling Stage of Bupleurum Chinese Dc. 柴胡苗期蚜虫及捕食性天敌种群消长动态研究。
- Peanut stripe virus-Hongan isolate was obtained from the infected peanut seedling in Hongan County,Hubei Province. Its coat protein gene was amplified by RT-PCR and cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector. 从湖北省红安县花生种传苗中得到花生条纹病毒(Peanut stripe virus,PStV)分离物(PStV-Hongan),提取感病叶片的总RNA,RT-PCR扩增了其外壳蛋白基因(cp),克隆至pGEM-T Easy载体,转化大肠杆菌并鉴定。
- Clomazone and its mixture can cause albinism at seedling stage of maize, but are safety to the following wheat. 广灭灵单剂及其混剂在玉米苗期可引起玉米白化现象,但对后茬小麦的生长较安全。
- NEA Couldpromote root growth of nc wheat, soybean and sugarbeet at seedling stage. 壮根素系列产品能明显促进水稻、小麦、大豆和甜菜苗期根系发育,促进作物产量提高。
- The safety of acylamino-herbicide propisochlor and metolachlor to adzuki bean in seedling stage was studied. 针对当前红小豆农业生产中大量应用的酰胺类除草剂异丙草胺、异丙甲草胺,研究其对红小豆苗期的安全性。
- Effects of seedling stage,genotypeand explant type on in vitro somatic organogenesis of cucumber were investigated. 研究了苗龄、基因型和外植体类型对黄瓜离体器官发生的影响。
- Eight single QTLs and five pairs of epistatic QTLs were detected for ABA sensitivity at seedling stage. 仅一个共同的QTL同时控制发芽阶段和苗期对ABA的敏感性。
- The content was high in stem at seedling stage and pegging stage and in underground-organs at pod-filling stage. 全生育期叶片和茎中的硝酸盐含量随生育进程逐步降低,而籽仁和果壳中含量逐步增加;
- The flower bud differentiation was faster in seedling stage than that in vine growth stage. 不同生长阶段花芽分化速率不同,苗期较快,抽蔓期较慢;
- Cowpeas were seriously damaged by the pest in the new seedling stage and the later pod stage. 豇豆苗期前期及结荚后期受此虫为害较重,秋植豆受害较春夏植豆重。
- PAN Ruichi,GU Huanqing.Effects of methyl jasmonate on the growth and drought resistance in the peanut seedlings[J].Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,1998,40(3):256-262. [8]潘瑞炽;古焕庆.;茉莉酸甲酯对花生幼苗生长和抗旱性的影响[J]
- Its growth cycle is divided into five periods, emergence, seedling stage, bolting stage flo-rescence and silique mature period. 生育周期划分为出苗期,苗期,蕾苔期,开花期和角果成熟期。
- BEC (boron efficiency coefficients) of NW20 and NW933 were respectively 0.51 and 0.10 at seedling stage and 0.38 and 0 at seeding stage. 以同一生态型苗期地上部生物量或结实期种子产量缺硼处理与施硼处理之比为硼效率系数。 苗期NW20和NW933硼效率系数分别为0 51和0 10;
- The leaf NRA lowered with the passage of time, and the tendency among the genotypes at the seedling stage (20 d) was similar. 随着苗龄的增大,水稻幼苗(20d)叶片NRA降低,但基因型之间的差异仍保持着相似的趋势。
- The embryo bine of helianthus has green, Dan Zi, deep violet etc, it is the important sign of breed of seedling stage identifying. 向日葵的胚茎有绿色.;淡紫
- Severe water deficit at seedling stage and wadding stage ,medium water deficit at buds and bolls stage can be propitious to cotton yield. 结果表明,调亏灌溉对棉花株高、蕾铃脱落、成桃数等影响较显著;苗期和吐絮期重度水分亏缺、蕾铃期中度水分亏缺均有利于棉花产量的形成。
- Title: The Rooting Diversity of Cuttage Shoots and Clonal Selection at the Seedling Stage of Larix kaempferi(Lamb.)Carr. 关键词:日本落叶松;嫩枝扦插;生根性状;指数选择