- A: Do I have to pay in a lump sum? 要一次付清吗?
- You'll have to pay in a lump sum within ten days after the sales contract is signed. 款子得于销售合同签订后10天内一笔付清。
- I would like my allowance in a lump sum. 我希望把我的零用钱全数发给我。
- Other variations of the plain vanilla bonds include zero cou-pon bonds which does not pay out interest but interest accrues and is paid in a lump sum at maturity. 其他特殊种类债券还包括“无息债券”,它在有效期内不付利息,而是累积起来在到期时一次偿还。
- Q: Can tuition fee be paid in a lump sum on a yearly or half-yearly basis, or can payment be made by autopay? 问:学员可否一次过交半年或一年学费,或安排自动转帐缴付学费?
- She wanted to be paid in a lump, but I was short of money and had to give her a little and promise that I would pay the rest later. 她要求一次全部付清,但我手头缺钱,只得付给她一小部分并保证以后付给她其余的部分。
- to be paid in a lump sum or in installments 一次或分期缴纳
- Pay in a lump sum 一次性付款
- Is it possible for you to pay in one lump sum? 你们有没有可能一次付清?
- Yvonne took last month's pay in one lump sum. 伊芳一次领完上个月的薪水。
- a fine is to be paid in a lump sum or in installments within the period specified in the judgment. 罚金在判决指定的期限内一次或者分期缴纳。
- She wanted to be paid in a lump,but I was short of money and had to give her a little and promise that I would pay the rest later. 她要求一次全部付清,但我手头缺钱,只得付给她一小部分并保证以后付给她其余的部分。
- I paid in a cheque for a hundred pounds to keep the bank manager at bay. 我用支票支付了100英镑,以避开银行经理来找麻烦。
- I paid in a cheque this morning. 我今天上午存入一张支票。
- Employees shgould be paid in a timely manner. 雇员工资需按时支付.
- Double specifies the present value (or lump sum) that a series of payments to be paid in the future is worth now. Double指定未来一系列付款的当今等价现值(一次付清的款额)。
- STS is paid in one single lump sum for an academic year. Payment is made by autopay into the bank account specified on the application form. 学生车船津贴每年发放一次,津贴款项是以自动转帐方式,整笔存入申请表上所填报的银行户口内。
- The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of houses. 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。
- I have to pay in$50 to cover a cheque that I wrote. 我得存入50美元以支付我开的一张支票。
- Now sum up (your views) in a few words. 现在(把你的观点)用几句话来概括一下。