- Paul smiled a little. 保罗微微一笑。
- A faint colour came into her unhealthy cheeks, and she smiled a little. 她微微一笑,病态的苍白面颊上泛起淡淡红晕。
- W: Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little. 头在抬起来一点,拿着那个鞍,笑一笑。
- He smiled a little, carefully took the lighter from her hand, and flipped the flint wheel twice before it caught. 他笑了笑,小心地从她手里把打火机拿过来,打了两下才点着。
- Mrs. Li does not like to greet people. She would at most smile a little when running into a friend. 李太太不喜欢和人打招呼,遇见朋友顶多笑一笑而已。
- He shook hands with me vigorously and smiled a welcome. 他使劲和我握手,笑着表示欢迎。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。
- Once, he said to the wave at the back of her hair,“I hope I'm the only chair-pusher in your life,” but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing. 有一次,他对着她波浪一般起伏的长发说:“真希望我是你生命中惟一为你推轮椅的人。”但她只是莞尔一笑,眼里没有任何表示。
- She makes her bed, says hello at school (Nobody likes a grouch, so smile a little!), shares, and gleefully obeys her parents' every request. 本书作者从一度的肥胖给自己的生活带来种种苦恼开始,详细讲述了自己瘦身减肥的成功经历,内容涉及节食、运动、饮水、睡眠、穿塑身衣。
- Dear, if one day I left you, we would also like to smile as they are now, then you smile a little riffraff, swear to you, except you, how can I love someone else. 亲爱的,如果有一天,我离开了你,一定还要像现在这样的微笑,你那有点痞子的微笑,对你发誓,除了你,我怎能在爱别人。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- I reckon the girl is a little bit boyish. 这想这个女孩有点男孩子气。
- He smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car. 他开着那辆豪华的新车驶过时,傲慢的微微一笑。
- Paul just has a little chicken shit habit. 保罗才刚对吸毒有点上瘾。
- I could not forbear shaking my head and smiling a little at his ignorance. 我不禁摇头微笑,笑他太无见识。
- They smiled a smile of understanding. 他俩会心微笑。
- I looked up, and she was looking at me pretty curious, and smiling a little. 我抬起头来瞧了瞧,她正带着好奇的眼光望着我笑呢。
- He smiled a welcome at the new boy. 他以微笑对新来的男孩表示欢迎。
- The tension between us has eased off a little. 我们之间的紧张状况已经缓和一些。
- She smiled a smile of dry amusement. 她心里觉得有趣,但脸上只是不动声色地笑了笑。