- Patroness of Women and Birth 妇女和生产的帮助者
- Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month. 上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
- Encyclopaedia of Women and Social Change -- 4 Vols. 妇女与社会变化百科全书4卷集。
- And while assurances have been given that there will be no bombing of women and children, there may come a time of desperation when all restraints go to the winds. 虽然双方都保证绝不将炸弹投向妇孺,然而一旦双方都毫无顾忌时,可怕的日子将随之而来。
- They have called for greater numbers of women and minorities. 他们要求教师中有更多女性与少数民族成员。
- Charmers meet a lot of women and win them over easily. 有魅力的男人会遇到很多女性,且容易赢得她们的好感。
- The number of women and girls in the world infected with H.I. 在世界的许多地方,妇女在政治和政府上几乎没有发言权。
- Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels' gunfire last month. 上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
- She is the patroness of incest victims and the mentally disturbed. 她是乱伦受害者和心智失常者的守护神。
- Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels'gunfire last month. 上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。
- China carry out birth control ,always insist taking the contraception as the principal thing and protect the health of women and children. 中国实行计划生育,一贯坚持以避孕为主,保护妇女和儿童的健康。
- In Chinese mythology, the patroness of matchmakers. 中国神话中,媒人的守护女神。
- Mao Kuku [patroness of women / goddess of needlework] 毛姑姑[针线神]
- Special attention has also been paid to the work concerning the health of women and children. In the rural areas,the ratio of adoption of modern midwifery has reached 70% or more. The ratio of women giving birth in hospitals has reached around 50%. 妇幼卫生工作受到重视,目前,农村新法接生率达70%25以上,住院分娩率达50%25左右。
- A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause. 绝经期,更年期生命的一个阶段,特征是标志妇女生殖能力终结及以停经完成为结束的生理、心理变化
- Special attention has also been paid to the work concerning the health of women and children. In the rural areas, the ratio of adoption of modern midwifery has reached 70% or more. The ratio of women giving birth in hospitals has reached around 50%. 妇幼卫生工作受到重视,目前,农村新法接生率达70%25以上,住院分娩率达50%25左右;
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patroness of house holdarts. 雅典娜是智能女神和家居艺术品的守护女神。
- The emancipation of women depends on themselves. 妇女的解放依靠她们自己。
- The equal rights and opportunities of women and men must be assured. 必须保障男女享有平等的权利和机会。