- Passiflora papilion. 蝴蝶藤
- Floral buds of Passiflora edulis Sims were used as explants in tissue culture. 以紫果西番莲的花蕾为材料,进行组织培养愈伤组织诱导的研究。
- This paper described eight species of Papilio injurious to citrus in Guangdung Province. 柑桔凤蝶类是为害柑桔新梢和嫩叶的重要害虫。 笔者经多年在广东各地采集,饲养观察,发现在广东为害柑桔类的风蝶有下列八种:(1)桔黄凤蝶Papilio xuthus Linnaeus;
- Any of various tropical American passionflowers, especially Passiflora quadrangularis, bearing edible fruit. 西番莲多种美洲热带西番莲中的任何一种,尤指大果西番莲,长有可食用果实
- Fajardo,et al.Genetic variation analysis of the genus Passiflora L.using RAPD marker,Euphytica 1998;10(3):341. 冯斗等.;RAPD分子标记应用于斑茅分类的研究,广西农大学报,1997,16(4):261
- The preserved fruit of yellow Passiflora edulis Sims is fit for processing preserved fruit. 其中黄果西番莲果脯品质更优。
- Patterns in Nature: Butterflies Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly (Papilio troilus). 意译:蝴蝶在自然界的模式。华美的大丁草法国菊加亮区的丰富着色的钓樟属植物一种燕尾蝴蝶。
- Valerocalm is a herbal product in soft gelatin capsules containing Valerian root extract, Hop strobiles extract and Passiflora extract. 缬草 是一种含有缬草提取物、啤酒花孢子叶球提取物和西番莲提取物的明胶胶囊草药产品。
- Technical processing of low-sugar preserved Passiflora edulis Sims was studied by use of Passiflora edulis Sims pericarp as starting material. 以西番莲果皮为原料,研究了低糖果脯的加工工艺。
- A large swallowtail (Papilio troilus) of eastern North America that feeds on spicebushes, having dark forewings with yellow marginal spots and bluish-green hindwings. 乌樟凤蝶:一种产于北美洲东部的大凤蝶(北美乌樟凤蝶凤蝶属),以美国山胡椒为食,前翅颜色深暗且边缘具有黄色斑点,后翅则为蓝绿色
- A vine(Passiflora incarnata) of the southeast United States having purple and white flowers, three-lobed leaves, and edible yellow fruit. 粉色西番莲一种生长在美国东南部的藤本植物(粉色西番莲西番莲属)。具有白紫色花、三裂叶片及黄色可食果实
- Chemiluminescence analysis in Pyrogallic acid-Luminol and H2O2-Luminol system was used to determine the antioxidation activity of Passiflora incarnata extracts. 采用邻苯三酚-鲁米诺及H2O2-鲁米诺化学发光体系和紫外-可见分光光度法,研究了海南西番莲叶四种不同提取物的抗自由基作用。
- The mixed clarifying agent, which is made from gelatines, digallic acids and PVP, is added to the passiflora edulis juice. The test shows that the effect is good. 采用明胶、丹宁酸和PVP制成的复合澄清剂,按一定比例添加到西番莲果汁中,经实验证明,效果较好。
- Passiflora has been widely used to alleviate various diseases in the folk in tropical nations,especially as a treatment for insomnia and anxiety in Europe. 西番莲属植物全草药用价值广泛,在热带国家普遍用作民间治疗用药,在欧洲更是颇负盛名,适用于治疗睡眠失调和焦虑不安等多种的疾病。
- Papilio machaon L. 茴香虫
- Papilio memnon L. 美凤蝶
- Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峡时报报道:世界上第一只雌雄同体的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公园被发现。
- A Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峡时报报道:世界上第一只雌雄同体的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公园被发现。
- Passiflora L. [医] 西番莲属
- Any of various climbing,tendril-bearing,chiefly tropical American vines of the genus Passiflora,having large,showy flowers with a fringelike crown and a conspicuous stalk that bears the stamens and pistil. 西番莲几种蔓生,长有卷须,属于西番莲属的藤本植物中的任一种,长有大而华丽的花朵,穗状花冠,长着雄蕊和雌蕊的花梗十分显眼