- Parts Requirement List 零部件需求表
- Audit the spare part requirement plan pulled by preentatie maintenance; control the sum of spare parts storage within the limits. 审核由预防性维修主要拉动的的备件需求计划,控制备件库存金额在年度目标内。
- Patent Certificate And Quality Certificate of All part required. 这是不是要求专利证和品质证?
- Structural parts requiring high strength; machine parts,truck chassis parts. 用于需要高温强度的结构部分,接写零件及货车底盘。
- Parts required for Irrigation repairs such as elbow, T's, couplings. 喷灌材料的修理,包括弯管、T形接头,连接器。
- This new structure of the die has displayed its technical and economical optimistical opportunity.When the parts have higher part requirement and its appearance must reassure fine. 特别是弯曲一些艺术性要求高、外表面必须保证美观的弯曲件时,这种弯曲件模具结构,更显示出技术经济优越性。
- The compiler will list any missing document references if you attempt to compile without specifying the required list. 如果试图在不指定所需列表的情况下进行编译,编译器将会列出缺少的任何文档引用。
- Immediate Material Requirement List 急用材料申请单
- New material for sitz lining part requires high abrasion resistance and high strength at elevated temperature.It is difficulty for a single material to meet all the requirement. 一种新的坐衬零件材料要求高耐磨性、高耐热性和高强度,热膨胀系数接近铸铁。
- Materiel Repair Requirement List 器材修理需求单
- If individual name parts require delimiters, each part of the name should be delimited separately as required. 如果各个名称部分需要使用分隔符,则名称的每一部分都应根据要求单独分隔。
- When parts require traceability, do controls link component traceability to the final part? 有零件可追溯性管理要求时,零件到产成品的可追溯性管理是否受控?
- Various characteristics and features of parts require unique methods of dimensioning. 部件的不同特性和特征要求有独特的尺寸标示方法。
- Do all types of fire extinguishers meet the requirements listed below? 是否所有类型的灭火器均符合下列要求?
- The sensitivity of the product shall meet the requirements listed in form. 零序电流互感器的灵敏度满足下表的要求。
- I hereby certify that the above measures have been drawn up to ensure ongoing compliance, between inspections, with the requirements listed in Part I. 我特此证明为确保检查之间持续符合第I部分所列的要求而制订了上述措施。
- Install the detector in an area that meets the requirements listed in Table2-1. 将探测器安装在符合表2-1所列要求的场所
- He had been able to do the rest of his creation in his head, but this part required some fiddling. 虽然他可以将创世的剩余步骤同样在脑子里完成,但造人的这个部分却略花了些心思。
- Whatever these turnable parts require a strong stand to aial radial load and tilting moment, this rotary kind of slewing ring will be your best choice. 这种支承受轴向力、倾翻力矩且两大部分需相对旋转的机械最理想的配套件。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。