- Abstract: This paper describes a partial blind signature scheme based on the theory of bundling homomorphism. 文章摘要: 为满足电子世界一种特殊的签名需要,利用丛同态理论设计了一种部分盲签名方案。
- This paper describes a partial blind signature scheme based on the theory of bundling homomorphism. 为满足电子世界一种特殊的签名需要,利用丛同态理论设计了一种部分盲签名方案。
- An adversary with infinite computing ability can forge a partial blind signature that can be verified,but it can be easily found. 具有无穷计算能力的攻击者,虽然能够成功伪造一个可通过验证的签名,但是伪造的签名很容易被发现。
- A partial blind signature scheme based on bit commitment 一种基于比特承诺的部分盲签名方案
- A new and practical electronic voting scheme is proposed by using threshold partially blind signature scheme from bilinear pairing and bit commitment technology. 给出了一个新的实用的电子投票协议,主要采用了基于双线性对的门限部分盲签名方案和比特承诺技术。
- A Partial Blind Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve 一种基于椭圆曲线的部分盲签名方案
- Research of New E-Cash System Based on Partial Blind Signature 基于部分盲签名的新型电子现金安全系统研究
- Partially blind signature schemes in practice can not only protect the message sender's privacy efficiently but also limit the sender's ability by embedding the signer's information. 摘要部分盲签名方案既有效保护消息发送方的隐私权,又通过加入签名方的信息控制发送方的权限。
- Partial blind signature schemes based on elliptic curve cryptosystem 基于椭圆曲线密码体制的部分盲签名方案
- Security analysis and improvement of several partial blind signature schemes 对几种部分盲签名方案的安全性分析与改进
- Threshold partially blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings 基于双线性对的门限部分盲签名方案
- Partial blind signature 部分盲签名
- Based on the partial blind digital signature and zero-knowledge proof,an e-cash system with non-repudiation is constructed in the article. 基于部分盲签名和零知识证明,设计了一个同时具有匿名性和非否认的电子现金。
- Designs of several partial blind signatures and the security analyses 几种部分盲签名的算法设计及其安全性分析
- Secure Electronic Voting Scheme Based on Partially Blind Signature and Hash Chain 基于部分盲签名和散列链的安全电子投票方案
- Keywords Identity-Based Signature;(Partially) Blind Signature;Untransferable Signature;Group Signature;Multi-Signature; 基于身份的签名;(部分)盲签名;不可传递签名;群签名;多重签名;
- Partial blindness is called amblyopia. 不完全失明称为弱视。
- partially blind signature 部分盲签名
- Convertible designated confirmer partially blind signatures 可转换指定证实人部分盲签名
- A fair blind proxy blind signature scheme with the property of proxy revocation is proposed. 提出了一个具有可收回代理权特性的公平盲代理盲签名方案。