- Use effective property right arrangement to be able to reduce interest attrition, reduce trade charge, realize the Pareto optimization that resource configures. 利用有效的产权安排可以减少利益摩擦,降低交易费用,实现资源配置的帕累托最优化。
- In the first place, we formulate a model of network resource allocation in non-cooperative game, giving a characterization of Nash equilibrium and Pareto optimization, analyzing the network "tragedy of the commons" and the benefit of congestion pricing. 首先,本文给出了以对策论为基础的网络资源分配的模型,讨论了纳什均衡点的性质和帕累托最优的条件,从理论上分析了网络拥塞的公共地悲剧和拥塞计费的作用。
- It is important to realize the Pareto Optimality of credit allocation in regions. 摘要帕累托式的信贷区域配置对协调区域经济增长有重要意义。
- This is a multi-objective optimization problem, so a set of Pareto optimal solutions have to be sought. Solving this problem by multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) can obtain many feasible optimal placement schemes of PMU. 这是一个多目标优化问题,需要寻求一组Pareto最优解,应用多目标进化算法求解该问题可以得到多种满足条件的PMU配置可行方案。
- The standard economic definition of efficiency is pareto optimality: when no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off. 标准经济学定义的效率是帕雷托的最佳优选法:让某人做好并不会使他人更差!
- Using game theory, the existence possibility of Pareto optimality of whole society is discussed under different incentive mechanisms. 运用博弈论的方法比较了当前各种激励方式下社会整体帕累托最优的存在性问题。
- Pigou tax can internalize externalities so that the social Pareto optimal can be linked with the object of the enterprises' profit maximization. 当外部性导致市场失灵时,政府则通过征税的方式消减外部性的影响。为了分析政府行为(征税)在代际间的效果,可以在世代交叠模型中引入资源税。
- Negotiation procedure under this strategy can obtain balanceable and pareto optimal results, whose time complexity is lower. 利用该策略,协商过程能获得平衡解和帕累托最优解,且时间复杂性较低。
- This model has been used in general equilibrium theory, particularly to show existence and Pareto optimality of economic equilibria. 这一模式已在一般均衡理论,特别是显示存在和帕累托最优的经济平衡。
- Abstract This paper puts forward a new idea that firm is the economic organization for gaining the Pareto optimized specific public goods. 摘要 文章提出了一种新的企业观,即企业是为获取专用性公共品帕累托最优解的经济组织。
- A ranking method based on Euclid distance was proposed to achieve an optimized decision-making in the Pareto optimal solution aggregate. 建立一种基于多维空间欧氏距离的排序方法,实现帕累托最优解集范围内的优化决策。
- The analysis reveals that the noncooperative games between developers are not Pareto Optimality, while cooperative games are generally Pareto Optimality. 通过分析可知,开发商之间的非合作博弈都不是帕累托最优,而合作博弈通常都是帕累托最优。
- Then the article analyses the unique characters of public goods, especially regional public goods, and deduces the "Pareto Optimality" conditions of regional public goods. 另外,文章分析了公共产品及地方公共产品的特点,并推导出地方公共产品供给的帕累托条件。
- The content includes pareto optimal theory, the main content of social welfare policy, as well the common selective rule and methods of social welfare policy. 主要内容有:帕累托最优理论,社会福利政策的基本内容,社会福利政策的一般选择规则及方法。
- The designed state feedback controller guarantees the stability of the closed-loop system, and in noninferior (equivalently Pareto optimal) sense, optimizes the upper bound of multi-objective cost function for all admissible uncertainties. 所设计的状态反馈控制器对所有容许的不确定性;保证闭环系统的稳定性;并在非劣(Pareto最优)的意义下;优化多目标代价函数的上界.
- In fact, there are an infinity of consumer and production equilibria that yield Pareto optimal results.There are as many optima as there are points on the aggregate production possibilities frontier. 西方经济学家承认,英国十分严重的贫富悬殊的社会问题,由于第一次世界大战变得更为尖锐,因而出现以建立社会福利为目标的研究趋向,导致了福利经济学的产生。
- From the Pareto optimal solution a relation curve between control performance and process margin was obtained, and the higher the control performance was required, the more the margin was needed. 求解得到非劣解集,绘制关于控制性能指标和工艺指标的关系曲线,发现系统对控制器性能的要求愈高,所需要的裕量应愈大。
- Endogenous transaction cost is the transaction cost, which comes from the opportunistic countermeasure action, and equals the balance between market equilibrium and Pareto Optimality. 内生交易费用是机会主义的对策行为所引起的交易费用,是市场均衡同帕累托最优之间的差额。
- Pareto optimal distributions of the risks 帕累托最优风险分配
- approximate pareto optimal reasoning mapping 近Pareto最佳推理映射