- The result indicated that the GCA of 6W2 and W309 are high, they are excellent parent materials. 结果表明:亲本材料6W2和W309的一般配合力较高,是两个综合性状优良的亲本;
- The parent material can be either transported or residual. 母料可能是转移而来或积聚起来的。
- The spotty saline soils: The characteristic parent materials in the basins are interbedded layers of light (sandy) and heavy (c... 山边均有不同高度的黄土丘陵及黄土阶地,组成高原特征;
- These differences show that choosing the male sterility type as parent materials can ensure the hybridism rate to be over 95%. 这一结果表明,选用柱头外露棉花药败育类型作杂交棉亲本材料,就可保证杂交率在95%25以上。
- Amplified TM image is interpreted on the family level by the comprehensive mapping technique which considers topograph, landscape,rock, and parent materials together. 应用“地形、地貌、岩性、母质综合影像制图技术”;目视解译TM放大图像;以土属为单位;其解译准确率在94%25以上;可解译图斑达98.;1%25。
- Parent material, whether residual or transported, is the basis of all soils. 母岩物质无论是残积的,或是搬运的,是所有土壤的基
- Earthworm activities and their functions in ecosystem are determined by various factors such as ecological groups of earthworms, population size, vegetation, parent materials of soil, climate, time scale, and history of soil utilization. 蚯蚓外来种入侵与生态系统的关系以及蚯蚓对全球变化的响应和影响是两个值得关注的问题。
- In XRF analysis process,the absorption intensification-matrix effect obviously exist,for the source and formation conditions of the analysed elements' parent materials are different. 在X射线荧光分析过程中,由于分析样品中元素的母质来源及形成条件不同,存在明显的吸收增强-基体效应。
- Meanwhile, had principium exploration on tissue culture system of fodder beet, all these works were purpose to provide pure parent materials with tissue culture for excellent triploid hybrid species. 同时还对饲用甜菜组织培养再生体系的建立进行了初步探索,旨在利用组培快繁技术为优良三倍体杂交种提供纯合的亲本材料。
- There is difference between contents of phosphorus in latosol derived from different parent material. 不同母质的砖红壤,其磷素含量有差异;
- In the area, the factor of landform, ground vegetation and parent material and hydrographical condition were surveyed. 考察研究了样区的地形地貌、植被、母质和水文等成土因素;
- Convenient construction, good binding ability with parent material; good plastic property and good fireproof and corrosion resistant. 施工简便,与基体结合性好;可塑性和耐火耐蚀性好。
- Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic processes on soil parent material. 土壤的形成,或成土作用,是综合效应的物理,化学,生物和人为过程对土壤母质。
- In general, the soil parent material, an important factor of the ecologic environment, always associates with the tea quality closely. 成果说明:作为外部生态环境重要因素的成土母质,和茶叶内部的生化性质有紧密联系。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- Organic mass in Bonan Depression is not only the hydrocarbon resource, also the parent material of organic acid of Bonan Oilfield. 渤南洼陷内有机质不仅是渤南油田油气的来源,也是有机酸的母质。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- A idea is put forward that the soldered areas of both the parent material preheated and that soldered are not allowed to be red or bright yellow when stainless steel parts are. 提出不锈钢钎焊时被预热和被钎焊的母材都不允许焊接区呈红色和亮黄色的新观点。
- The absence of weathering parent material between soil and rocks makes calcareous soil unstable.Soil erosion at the rock-soil interface is a distinct character. 结果表明:土壤侵蚀,细粒物质减少,表层土壤消失,岩土界面缺少风化母质的过渡层,或者被裸露基岩取代;
- Tensile strength of parent material and ARBed material increased with temperature rising, elongation increased at first, after it reached maximum, started dropping. 叠轧前后材料的抗拉强度随温度单调递减,延伸率则先升高,达到极值后降低;