- Parent Organization Designator 所属组织番号
- The parent organization may list its affiliates and order on behalf of them. 上级组织可列出其所有分支机构并代表它们进行订购。
- Zhang Jilong said this: "listen to all the arrangements for the parent organization. 对此张吉龙也表示:“一切听从上级组织安排。”
- The validity of using principle of organization design at the CYL of Colleges and Universities was substantiated by our practice. 通过实践验证了在高校共青团中应用组织设计原理的有效性。
- This entitles the affiliate to order and manage its own Adobe licenses while earning CLP points that potentially improve the discount level for everyone parent organization and affiliates alike. 由此,该分支机构可订购并管理其自己的Adobe许可证,同时赢得CLP积分,从而有机会为其上级组织和同等分支机构提高折扣级别。
- This paper introduces the conditions of Pingban Hydropower Station Project and summarizes its construction organization design. 摘要介绍平班水电站工程条件,对施工组织设计进行了比较全面的总结。
- The PMO focuses on the coordinated planning, prioritization and execution of projects and subprojects that are tied to the parent organization's or client's overall business objectives. 项目管理办公室将注意力集中在与母体组织或顾客整体经营目标紧密联系的项目和子项目的统一规划、优先顺序、轻重缓急和执行方面。
- The strategy must be the genesis of any organizational design and structure. 战略是任何组织设计或结构的根源。
- Industry restructure and organization design is necessarily important steps too.Only in this way can YG construct its core competence. 对只具有行政性职能的YG公司进行实体化的改造并进行产业重组和相应的组织转型,使其能够在新的机制下在市场中逐步培育核心竞争力,这是体制改革与企业发展成功的关键。
- A genome contains all the information about an organism, including information carried from its parent organisms. 染色体包含有关生物体的所有信息,包括,现有生物体携带的信息。
- She joined a lot of personage visit, also joined the editorial and facture for the magazine and brand collection. She have insightful concept on idea plan, organization design. 参与过大量人物访问以及杂志、品牌集锦的编辑制作。对创意企划,组织设计有独到的意识感念。
- The other variables are knowledge management enablers, which are information technology, organization design, quality management system, and behavior characteristics. 六、 组织文化、组织公民行为、领导方式会影响组织成员的知识创造意愿与分享意愿,进而影响组织 知识管理 活动之品质。
- A form of asexual reproduction in which an outgrowth developing on a parent organism detaches to produce a new individual. 芽接,芽殖一种无性繁殖形式,其中外部生长物在母体中发育,然后脱离产生一个新的个体
- "Genetics Material" means any material or parent organism containing functional units of heredity from one generation to another generation. “遗传物质”指包含从一代传给另一代的遗传功能单位的任何材料或亲本有机体。
- The law will, among others, yield a more manageable size of departments and agencies, and also strengthen the flexibility of organization design and workforce allotments. 该法施行后,对于建构合理的政府组织规模,增加机关组织及人员配置弹性调整的灵活与机动性,以及改善机关名称层级难辨的现象等,均有极大助益。
- This factor is ameliorated by an organism design that limits life span. 有机体限制寿命的设计改善了这一不利因素。
- The functioning of Parent Organizations is significant predicator of school effectiveness.And the manipulation of the funds is the main predicative variable.7. 六、家长会组织运作对学校效能具有预测作用经费运用是最主要的预测变项。
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- Fuzzy mathematics was applied for establishment of fuzzy planningmodel, based on which, the method for choosing highway construction organization design scheme was obtained and achieved satisfactory result in real case. 应用模糊数学,建立模糊规划模型,给出了选择公路施工组织设计方案的方法,并运用于实际案例,获得了理想的结果。
- The case shows how knowledge evolution mediates organizational and technological change and makes any organization design openended and evolving. 这个案例表明了知识进化如何引起组织和技术的变化,并使所有的组织设计越发开放和不断进化。