- The content of gensenosides in Panax quinuefolium L was determined by colorimetry. 用香草醛-冰醋酸比色法测定西洋参中总皂甙的含量。
- Panax quinuefolium L. 西洋参
- The fruits of Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参果
- Total saponins of Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参总皂苷
- Fresh juice of Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参鲜果汁
- Studies on the HPLC Fingerprints of Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参药材高效液相色谱法指纹图谱的研究。
- London is spelt with a capital L'. London一字中L是大写的。
- Accumulation Trend of Saponins of Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参皂苷积累动态的研究。
- A Study on AFLP Fingerprinting of Land Races of Panax ginseng L. 人参农家类型的AFLP指纹研究。
- A Study on Saponins for Different Parts in Panax quinquefolium L. 西洋参不同部位皂苷类成分的指纹图谱研究。
- The cyto-taxonomic studies on some species of Panax L. 几种人参属植物的细胞分类学研究.
- Cultivation technique of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 野山参的培育技术。
- Panax notoginseng( Burk. )F. H. Chen. 三七
- STUDY ON THE SECONDARY METABOLIC REGULATION OF CALLUS OF Panax quinquefolium L. 辐照西洋参培养物皂苷次生代谢调控的研究。
- Analysis of the Volatile Oils in the Flowerbuds of Panax quinquefolium L. 国产西洋参花蕾中挥发油的分离与鉴定。
- Advances in studies on tissue and cell culture in medicinal plants of Panax L. 人参属药用植物组织和细胞培养的研究进展。
- Title: Determination of Polysaccharides in Panax quinque f olium L. 关键词:西洋参多糖;蒽酮-硫酸法;测定
- My main concern is with the W's and L's. 我关注的是一场比赛的输赢。
- I charge you not to forget what l have said. 我告诫你不要忘记我所说的话。
- The floor was littered with ravel(l)ings. 地板上布满了散线。