- Packet Internet Gopher 分组因特网黄鼠工具
- I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap. 我有一张优惠券,买一盒肥皂可以便宜十便士。
- Put the packet up on the top shelf. 把这个包放到架子顶格上去。
- She bought a packet of shaved ham. 她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。
- They're undercutting us by 20p a packet. 他们以每小包比我们的便宜20便士的价格跟我们抢生意。
- POPIN INTERNET Gopher 人口信息网因特网考访站
- He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。
- The mailman brought a small packet. 邮差送来了一个小邮包。
- I found out my grades on the internet at first hand. 我从网络上直接得知我的成绩。
- Oliver filched a packet of cigarettes from a well-dressed passenger. 奥立佛从一名衣冠楚楚的乘客身上偷得一包香烟。
- This packet is supposed to contain ten screws, but it's two short. 这包应装有十个螺丝钉,可是短了两个。
- I want you to kill every gopher on the course! 去杀掉球场里所有地鼠!
- NAT: No interface selected to send packet to internet. 没找到可发送包的广域网口。
- Whoever gets 3 Gopher Trophies first is the winner. 最先拿到3个地鼠奖赏的玩家则获胜。
- Internet plays a very important role in modern life. 互联网在现代生活中发挥非常重要的作用。
- Having a pouch,as a gopher,pelican,or marsupial. 有袋的有袋的,如地鼠、鹈鹕或袋鼠。
- Download netmeeting2.0 for free from Microsoft over the internet. 在Internet上,从Microsoft可免费下载NetMeeting2。0。
- Having a pouch, as a gopher, pelican, or marsupial. 有袋的有袋的,如地鼠、鹈鹕或袋鼠
- There is a list of ingredients on the side of the packet. 包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。
- The postman tried to crush the packet through the letter-box. 邮递员使劲把邮件塞进信箱里。