- Adm.Timothy Keating, commander of US Pacific Command, and James Shinn, a newly minted assistant secretary of Defense for the region, left Saturday for a week-long trip to China. 美国太平洋军区司令亚当.;提摩太
- The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night. 布什总统转道夏威夷回国,昨晚,他和第一夫人与美国太平洋司令部的司令官共进晚餐。
- A Pacific Command spokesman declined to comment on the incident, saying details were classified. Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment. 太平洋舰队发言人拒绝对此事发表评论,声称细节保密。五角大楼也对此事无可奉告。
- Fondren worked at the Pentagon, holding top secret clearance as the deputy director of the Washington liaison office for U.S. Pacific Command. 丰德伦供职于五角大厦,做为美国太平洋司令部华盛顿联络处的副主任,他可以接触到高级机密。
- Admiral Timothy Keating, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, met Chinese Foreign Ministry Yang Jiechi behind closed doors. 美军太平洋战区负责人、海军上将蒂莫西.基廷和中国外交部长杨洁篪举行了闭门的会晤。
- Admiral Timothy Keating of the United States Pacific Command said it could encourage renewed dialogue between the American and Chinese armies. 美国太平洋舰队司令,海军上将基廷表示此举将对恢复中美之间的军方对话产生促进作用。
- The U.S. military has a system under which each region of the world is overseen by a specific command, such as the Pacific Command, Central Command and so on. 美国军方现有的对世界各个地区的监察系统是在一个特殊司令部(体系)管辖之下,比如太平洋司令部,中央司令部等等。
- Disc II: Japanese capture Mandalay - Allies split Pacific Command - Carriers come of age - War departments new home - Lies, Damned Lies &Statistics - U.S. 从希特勒煽情的演讲,到炸弹在空中坠落,从战场上的血与火,到垂死士兵眼眸中对生的渴望,亲历历史的摄像师们用胶片忠实地记录下了这一切。
- The U.S. Pacific Command comprises 200 ships, 2000 aircraft and 300000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, of whom 100000 are forward deployed in South Korea, Japan and at sea. 美国太平洋指挥部辖有200艘船舰、2000架飞机与30万名陆、海、空军及陆战队,其中有10万名部署在韩国、日本及海上。
- The Ministry of National Defense said that in mid-May, an elite brigade of Indian paratroopers will conduct a joint military exercise with the special forces of the US Pacific Command near the renowned Taj Mahal. 国防部说,一支精锐的印度伞兵旅五月中旬将与太平洋美军司令部的特种部队在闻名遐迩的泰姬马哈陵附近举行联合军事演习。
- commander of the US Pacific Command 美太平洋总部司令
- Joint Pacific Command Control Voice Network 联合太平洋指挥部控制语音网络
- Joint Pacific Command Control Network 联合太平洋指挥控制网
- The astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean. 那些宇航员们溅落在太平洋中。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- An army commander must be skilled in tactics. 一名军事指挥官必须精通战术。
- Joint Pacific Command Teletype Network 联合太平洋指挥部电传交换机网络
- The commander ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 指挥官下令把炮装上牵引车开出去。
- Operations Inspector General Pacific Command 太平洋司令部作战监察长
- He is the commander of the expedition. 他是探险队的队长。