- POI Name Matching 兴趣点名称匹配
- On the Name Matching page, click Next. 在“名称匹配”页中,单击“下一步”。
- The security certificate has a valid name matching the name of the page you are trying to view. 该安全证书有一个与您试图查看的网页名称匹配的有效名称。
- Each of them has its distinctive features and has its name matching the colours of the wall, ceilings, carpets, draperies and upholsteries in it. 各厅内的墙壁、天花板、地毯、帐幔及组合家具的颜色一致,同厅相符。
- Check that the last condition, The security certificate has a valid name matching the name of the page you are trying to view, has a green checkmark associated with it. 检查最后一个条件,该安全证书有一个有效名称与您试图查看的页面名称相匹配,并且有一个绿色的选中标记与之相关联。
- CaseSensitiveMatch: signifies that the default case-insensitive behavior of a name match should be overridden. caseSensitiveMatch: 表示缺省的大小写不敏感的名字匹配行为必须被重载。
- DD> Compiles all classes whose name matches the specified string. 编译所有名称和指定字符串相匹配的类。
- So long as method names match, you have polymorphism. 只要方法名匹配,就可以利用多态性。
- Compiles all classes whose name matches the specified string. 编译任何名称和指定字符串相匹配的类。
- If email and first name match the migrated char, you will get the trias and item migrated from MB. 使用与之前版本相同的名字建立人物,姓氏可以随意填写。
- The client authentication policy then determines whether the receiving server certificate should be validated and whether any other criteria should be applied to the certificate, such as name matching. 随后,客户端身份验证策略确定是否应验证接收服务器证书,是否应将其他标准(如名称匹配)应用到该证书。
- One of the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) listed as a smart host must be present in the server certificate for name matching to succeed. 服务器证书中必须存在作为智能主机列出的完全限定的域名(FQDN)之一,以确保名称匹配成功。
- The concatenation of composite name matcher and neural network matcher enable our approach to adapt to more complex matching circumstance. 通过组合使用复合名称匹配器和神经网络匹配器,使得本方法可以应用于更复杂的匹配环境。
- Wang Ping: This is a giant competition whose name matches the reality. All the events need great strength. 王平:这可的确是名副其实的大力士赛,哪一项都需要大力气。
- In the To or Cc box, a red wavy line means there's more than one name match in the address book. Right-click the name to pick the correct match. A green dashed underline means that's the name you picked last time. 在“收件人”或“抄送”框中,红色波浪线表示在通讯簿中有多个相匹配的姓名。用右键单击姓名,选出正确匹配的名称。绿点下划线表示上一次选取的姓名。
- The files themselves will follow the standard Java rules where. Class file names match declared class names. 文件本身会遵守标准的Java规则:.;class文件名称要和声明的类名匹配。
- Even if those names match with the correct remote interface and the bean class, these files must be browsed again. 即使那些名称与正确的远程接口和bean类相匹配,也必须重新浏览这些文件。
- If these names match, then you can use NATURAL syntax and leave out the column mappings. 如果这些名称匹配,则可以使用NATURAL语法并且不考虑列映射。
- Searches for items whose name matches the specified key, optionally searching subitems. 搜索名称与指定键匹配的项,也可以选择搜索子项。
- By default, all white-space-only text nodes are preserved. If an element name matches a name test in an. 元素中的名称测试匹配,将从保留空白的元素名集合中删除。