- What PM Goh said was truly significant. 这是非常有意义的谈话。
- Will Singaporean Muslims take up PM Goh's call to be"moderate Muslims"? 新加坡回教徒会不会响应吴作栋总理的号召选择温和路线?
- At the invitation of Mr Zhu,PM Goh will be making a visit to China next year. 应朱镕基的邀请,吴作栋总理将在明年再次访问中国。
- PM Goh has said he is not concerned with Muslims becoming more religious, but rather, with them becoming more rigid in interpreting Islam. 吴总理说他关注的不是我们的回教徒越来越虔诚,而是他们是否越来越倾向于狭隘地诠释回教教义。
- While responding to PM Goh's call to learn the Chinese language,we must also realise the importance of Malay. 在响应吴总理的号召学好华文的同时,我们也要认识到马来文的重要性。
- Years ago,PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things Indian,since there had been a fever for things Chinese. 多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。
- At that time,recalled PM Goh,it was very difficult for Singaporeans to visit China. 总理回忆说,当时,新加坡人要到中国非常困难。
- PM Goh's call for Chinese Singaporeans to learn the Chinese language more seriously may make them even more suspicious. 吴总理鼓励华族认真学好华文,可能会引起他们更大的猜疑。
- Muslims are also concerned that PM Goh's comment could be used as a pretext to be insensitive to a Muslim's religious needs if misinterpreted. 回教徒也担心,吴总理的谈话可以被一些人当成借口,故意忽视回教徒需要履行的宗教义务。
- China as described by PM Goh was at once familiar and strange to many Singaporeans in those years. 总理所描绘的中国对当时许多岛国人民来说是既陌生又熟悉。
- Years ago, PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things Indian, since there had been a fever for things Chinese. 多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。
- While responding to PM Goh's call to learn the Chinese language, we must also realise the importance of Malay. 在响应吴总理的号召学好华文的同时,国人最好也学好马来文。
- Will Singaporean Muslims take up PM Goh's call to be“moderate Muslims”? Or is this a label they find problematic? 新加坡回教徒会不会响应吴作栋总理的号召选择温和路线?他们会不会觉得“中庸回教徒”这个字眼本身便不是那么明确?
- Years ago,PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things of Indian,since there had been a fever for things of Chinese. 多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。
- PM Goh has said he is not concerned with Muslims becoming more religious,but rather,with them becoming more rigid in interpreting Islam. 吴总理说他关注的不是我们的回教徒越来越虔诚,而是他们是否越来越倾向于狭隘地诠释回教教义。
- Years ago, PM Goh said he needed to arouse a fever for things of Indian, since there had been a fever for things of Chinese. 多年前,总理曾说,国内已经掀起“中国热”,他因此要激起一点“印度热”。
- The Remaking Singapore Committee is a brainchild of PM Goh Chok Tong, formed to make Singaporeans look beyond the 5 Cs : cash, condos, clubs, credit cards and cars, to help prepare the nation for the future. 委员会是吴作栋总理的建议,目的是要国人把目光放远,不要局限于所谓的5C,即金钱、共管公寓、俱乐部会员证、信用卡和车子,齐心合力为国家的未来做好准备。
- The Remaking Singapore Committee is a brainchild of PM Goh Chok Tong,formed to make Singaporeans look beyond the 5 Cs : cash,condos,clubs,credit cards and cars,to help prepare the nation for the future. 委员会是吴作栋总理的建议,目的是要国人把目光放远,不要局限于所谓的5C,即金钱、共管公寓、俱乐部会员证、信用卡和车子,齐心合力为国家的未来做好准备。
- The need to cultivate a Chinese elite (together with a Malay and Indian elite) was first mentioned in PM Goh's speech at the National Day Rally last year: "We must find ways to sustain a high level of proficiency in Chinese in the Singapore of the future. 在去年的国庆群众大会上,吴作栋总理首次提出须培养华文文化精英(同时也培养精通马来语与印度语的文化精英):“我们必须设法在未来保有高水平的华文掌握能力。
- There is no parking between 9 am and 6 pm. 上午9时至下午6时禁止停放机动车辆。