- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- Part three:stock selection and investing strategy. 第三部分:股票的选择和投资策略。
- These figures and the last ones diverge greatly. 这些数字与上次的数字有很大差异。
- Like three figures are the moon and I with the shadow. 对影成三人。
- I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct. 我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。
- He added up the list of figures and ruled it off neatly. 他将那一栏数字加起来,之后很整洁地在下面划了一条直线。
- They made out three figures moving in the distance. 他们看出远处有3个人影在移动。
- There was a clatter of dishes and plates in the kitchen. 厨房里传来盘碟的当啷声。
- They made out three figures movingin the distance. 他们看出远处有三个人影在移动。
- Cups and plates are neatly ranged on her shelves. 2杯子和盘子被整齐地排放在她的架子上.
- Part three analyzes motive mechanisms of Jiangjin. 第三部分分析江津市城镇化动力机制。
- Let's display the figures and see what we have. 通过显示一下数字看看我们能看到什么。
- Part three: The anxiety of insignificance. 第三部分:无意义的焦虑。
- I broke all the cups and plates under my enger. 气愤之下,我把所有的杯盘都摔到地上去了。
- I made out three figures moving in the distance. 我看到远处有三个黑影在活动。
- He listened to the figures and knew them by heart. 他听着这些数字并默默记了下来。
- His figures and mine don't tally. 他算出的数字和我得出的对不上。
- Part three researches the reason why Britain applied for the EEC. 第三部分论述了英国申请加入欧洲经济共同体的原因。
- Dishes and plates were clattering in the dining car. 餐车中盘碟叮当作响。