- PAN GU mythology 盘古神话
- Oh, I know. Was he the same Pan Gu who created the universe in Chinese mythology? 哦,我知道。就是中国神话传说中开天辟地的盘古,对吧?
- There are several versions of the Pan Gu story. 盘古故事还有其他几种版本。
- To his surprise Pan Gu began to speak. ”让他惊讶的是,盘古开口说话了。
- After 18 thousand years Pan Gu woke from a long sleep. 一万八千年后,盘古从沉睡中醒来。
- The universe was like a big black egg, carrying Pan Gu inside itself. 宇宙像是一个大鸡蛋,里面一团漆黑,盘古就酣睡在里面。
- But Pan Gu left the meat untouched and curled himself up in a corner to sleep. 但是盘古没有碰它,只是倦缩在一个角落里睡觉。
- Exactly.It is really rare to see an image of Pan Gu on Chinese islands. 没错儿。这可是中国很少见的海上盘古造像呢。
- It is also said that the spirits of Pan Gu was turned into human beings. 传说,盘古的精灵魂魄也在他死后变成了人类。
- The heavens and the earth began to grow at a rate of ten feet per day, and Pan Gu grew along with them. 天地开始以每天一丈的速度扩展,盘古与他们同生同长。
- Pan Gu's body had already changed into that of a man, but his head was still that of a dog. 盘古的身躯变成了人形,只剩下头还没有变过来。
- King Gao Xin was overjoyed to see the head of his rival, and gave orders to bring Pan Gu some fresh meat. 高辛王看到对手的头欣喜若狂,下令赏赐盘古很多鲜肉。
- When Pan Gu died, his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder. 盘古临死时,他嘴里呼出的气变成了风和云,而他的声音则变成了雷霆。
- He reared him on a plate inside a gourd (hu, which is close to the sound gu), so the clog was known as Pan Gu. 他把它育于芦中的盘上(“芦”与“古”发音相近),因此这只狗被称作“盘古”;
- But its most special part is not the structure itself, but the image of Pan Gu enshrined in the top part. 不过它最特别的地方还不在于建筑本身,而是上面供奉的盘古造像。
- The Creation of the World by Pan Gu is one of the most well-known legends in China. "盘古开天辟地"是在中国流传最为久远的神话故事。
- A giant named Pan Gu had been sleeping in this large "egg" for about 18,000 years. 有个叫做盘古的巨人在这个"大鸡蛋"中一直酣睡了约18000年
- Pan Gu stood in the middle, his head touching the sky, his feet planted on the earth. 而那些阴暗、浑浊的东西积存在底部,变成了土地。 盘古站在中间,头顶天空,脚踏大地。
- From Pan Gu epoch-making to modern metropolis, humanity's destiny is always relying on environment. 从盘古开天辟地到现代的大都市,人类的命运是永远离不开环境问题的。
- The tradition of worshipping Pan Gu in Lingnan area had long history,Pan Gu temple was founded in all parts. 岭南人对盘古的崇拜习俗由来以久,各地均设有盘古庙。