- In all patients there were 30 cases of sinus bradycardia(15.46%),10 cases of prolongation of P R interval(5.15%),6 cases of escape beat rhythm(3.0%),and 16 cases of prolongation of Q T interval(8.25%). 窦性心动过缓 30例 (15 .;46%25 );P- R间期延长者 10例 (5
- P R interval and QRS time limit of LBBB groups was longer than that of RBBB group (P <0.01). The authors also found that severe ventricular arrhythmias was seen in those with organic-cardiac diseases with poor prognosis. 最快心率时P-R间期和QRS波时限LBBB组>RBBB组,并发现严重室性心律失常均发生于器质性心脏病者,其预后较差。
- T h e s u n s h a i n e i s p r e t t y . . . . . . 同学啊,一般都不可能和每个人都要好的啦,这个不用心烦的,觉得某人好就多多交往咯。。。
- O u t l o o k E x p r e s s N e t M e e t i n g F T P . 以下那一种不是电子邮件系统可提供的功能收发邮件夹带附件转送邮件聊天.
- C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 9 5 ) . 美国新闻学家李普曼第一次提出“刻板印象”这一术语。“对于大部分事物我们并不是先观察
- C : T h i s p r o g r a m l o o p s u n t i l t h e u s e r presses a key. 返 回 总 目 录kbhit kbhit 检 查 控 制 台 的 键 盘 输 入 。int kbhitvoid例 程 需 要 的 头 文 件 兼 容 性k b h it W i n 9 5 W in N T 对 于 另 外 的 兼 容 性 信 息 参 见 引 言 中 的 兼 容 性 。
- We set up a digital system to get time series of heart R R interval and neuron s activities for adapting to the use of nonlinear method in electrophysiology. 目的:为适应非线性科学与电生理学的结合,需要在动物实验中直接提取心电R-R间期和动作电位的峰峰间期等时间序列并存储下来以便于进一步分析研究。
- Herrington P R,Patrick J E,Ball G F A.Oxidation of Roading Asphalts[J].IndEngChemRes,1994,33 (11):2801. 金鸣林;冯安祖;史美仁;等.;煤沥青橡胶改质筑路油老化过程中族组成与性质变化[J]
- The P R Assistant will check the photographic equipment and office supply on the last Friday of each month and make requisition if necessary. 公关部助理应在每个月的最后一个星期五检查照相器材及办公室用品情况,并在必要时提出采购申请。
- Loveys B R , Dry P R , Stroll M et al. Using plant physiology to improve the water use efficiency of horticultural crops \[J \]. 康绍忠;蔡焕杰主编.;作物根系分区交替灌溉和调亏灌溉的理论及实践\\[M\\]
- Their heart rates slowed down, P R and Q T intervals prolonged and blood pressure reduced after exposure, as compared with those before exposure. 工人接触后心电图指标与接触前自身比较,出现心率减慢、P?R间期和Q?T间期延长及血压下降。
- Longa E Z,Weinstein P R,Carlson S,et al.Reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion without craniectomy in rats[J].Stroke,1989,20(1):84. 李春艳;成小松.;大蒜素对局灶性脑缺血再灌注血液流变学改变的影响[J]
- Kileny P R,Zwolan TA,Ashbangh C.The influence of age at implantation on performance with a cochlear implant in children.Otol Neurotol,2001,22:42246. 莫玲燕;陈雪清;等.;小儿行为听力测试在人工耳蜗植入术前评估中的应用
- Pang H X, Pel A W, He P R, Wang Y.Study on canopy temperature and its biological characteristics of high spike weight wheat. 黄景华;李秀芬;孙岩;王广金;刁艳玲;郭强;邓双丽.;春小麦冠层温度分异特性的研究及其冷型基因型筛选
- H o w y o u t h i n k a b o u t a p r o b l e m i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n t h e p r o b l e m i t s e l f - s o a l w a y s t h i n k p o s i t i v e l y . 你 如 何 看 待 问 题 比 问 题 本 身 更 重 要 , 所 以 一 定 要 乐 观 思 维 。
- SWC at SM350 had a significant relationship with precipitation ( P r )( P =0 001), while the main factors influencing SWC at SM50 were P r and wind speed. 影响浅层 (SM5 0 )SWC变化的主要因素是Pr 和风力 ;
- Sun H Y,Yang P R,Chen X Y.Study on abnomal temperature filde of slide/roll contact under elastohydrodynamic lubrication[J].Tribology, 2004,24,(1):66-69. [2]孙浩洋;杨沛然;陈晓阳.;滚滑工况弹流反常温度场的研究[J]
- Cray P R,Meyer R G.Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits[ M ].Zhou Ninghua,Chen Yousong,trans.Beijing:Higher Education Press,2003 (in Chinese). [3]格雷P R;迈耶R G.;模拟集成电路的分析和设计[M]
- WARD P J,ATKINSON H V,ANDERSON P R G,et al.Semisolid processing of novel MMCs based on hypereutectic aluminium-silicon alloys[J].Acta Mater,1996,44(5):1717. 张大童;李元元;罗宗强.;快速凝固过共晶铝硅合金材料的研究进展[J]
- Johson P R A,Armour C L,Carey D,et al.Heparin and PGE2 inhibit DNA syntyesis in human airway smooth muscle cells in culture[J].Am J Physiol,1995,269(4 Pr 1):1514. 宋一平;崔德健;茅培英;等.;慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠模型气道重塑及生长因子的研究[J]