- The accumulation, distribution and cycle of N,P and K in S. apetala+S. 研究了深圳福田红树林无瓣海桑 +海桑群落的 N、P、K元素的累积和循环。
- The supplying amount of P and K in CK were 55.4 and 139.2 kg/hm2,respectively. 不施肥处理的土壤供P、K量分别为55.;4和139
- The net increases of N,P and K in narcissus plant are 366.17,19.80,445.12 mg respectively. 每株水仙在整个生长期中氮、磷、钾的净增量分别为36 6 .;17;19
- Leaf N,P and K were higher of blueberry cultured on dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil. N、P和K 含量在暗棕色森林土和草甸沼泽地土壤上较高;
- Leaf fat content increased with N,P and K application whereas S,Mg and B had negative effect. N、P、K肥施用有提高桑叶中脂肪含量的作用 ,而S、Mg、B肥的作用则相反。
- The requirement and accumulative trend of N, P and K in wine grape 'Cabernet Sauvignon' were studied. 研究了酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’(Cabernet Sauvignon)整个生育期内N、P和K的动态变化及养分需求量。
- The absorption rate per ton of cane to N,P and K were:N=2.363kg/t,P_2O_5=0.310kg/t and K_2O=1.290kg/t, respectively. 每吨甘蔗对氮磷钾养分的吸收量分别为 N=2.;363kg、P_2O_5=0
- The majority of farm soils in Guizhou province are reported to be responsive to N, P and K. 据报道,大多数贵州省的农田土壤上施用氮、磷和钾均有增产效果。
- A cooperative application of N, P and K can increas e the co ntents of organic matter, available N, av... N、P、K配施处理土壤有机质、速效氮、速效磷和速效钾增幅较大。
- Concentration of N was higher in leaf blades whereas those of P and K were higher in culms and leaf sheaths. 水稻叶片部位之氮素浓度较高,但秆与叶鞘之磷、钾浓度超过叶片。
- Fertigation can be especially beneficial in high yielding situations and on soils that fix large quantities of P and K. 在高产条件下和在固定磷、钾能力强的土壤上,灌溉施肥尤其有好处。
- The effects of N,P and K fertilization at different ratios on total rice biomass were ranked as follows:NPK>NP>PK>NK>CK. 氮磷钾肥的配合施用对双季水稻生物量的影响顺序为NPK>NP>PK>NK>CK。
- This is also true for P and K in which supplementing the soil solution during peak demand periods is helping to avoid mid-season deficiencies. 对P和K也一样,在作物需求高峰期,增加土壤溶液的磷、钾浓度有助于避免在作物生长中期的养分缺乏。
- The contents of N, P and K in Phalaenopsis amabilits plants positively correlated with the application levels of N, P and K fertilizer. 结果表明:蝴蝶兰植株体内氮、磷、钾含量与所施肥料的氮、磷、钾水平呈正相关。
- In the late growing stage, the transferring rate of N, P and K followed the order of sandy loam>loam> loamy clay >clay loam. 同时施肥使得叶片和茎鞘中的氮磷钾转移率略有降低。
- Fertilizing with P and K fertilizer raised turfgrass color, regularity, and reduced the danger of summer turfgrass brown patch disease. 增施P、K肥料能提高草坪颜色、均一度,降低夏季草坪褐斑病的危害;
- Different potassium types have different influence on tea quality.N,P and K must be used in proportion for improvement of tea quality. 钾能显著提高茶叶中的游离氨基酸、茶多酚等内含物的含量,对水浸出物、儿茶素等含量也有影响;
- At the same time, other nutrient inputs, such as P and K (as well as water, soil and pest management) increase yield and BNF. 而在同时,其他营养元素的投入,譬如磷和钾肥(也包括水、土壤及病虫害防治),会增加豆类产量并提高生物固氮。
- Abies fabri forests have a stronger N, P and K retaining ability, and a lower cycling rate of N,P and K than that of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forests. 冷杉林保持N、P、K能力强 ,N、P、K循环速率比常绿与落叶阔叶混交林低
- When combined at high rates, P and K consistently produced the best lint yields which were 87 to 98 kg/ha more than yields obtained with traditional fertilizer input amounts. 在高用量配合时,磷肥和钾肥总能获得最好的皮棉产量,这一产量比传统肥料投入量的高87~98公斤/公顷。