- Oxygen and nitrogen are gases. 氧和氮都是气体。
- The micropore diffusiviites of oxygen and nitrogen are obtained. 求得了氧、氮的扩散系数。
- With pressure deaeration, oxygen and nitrogen are extracted from the water by adding CO2. 进行压力脱氧时,水中的氧气和氮气成分会通过CO2的输入而被排除。
- If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth. 大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。
- In the analysis of high purity gases (higher than 5N) by gas chromatography, peaks of oxygen and nitrogen impurities sometimes became negative, resulted in the failure of quantification. 摘要用气相色谱法测定5N以上的高纯气体时,有时氧或氮杂质的出峰方向变反,而无法对分析结果进行定量。
- The determination of impurity Oxygen and Nitrogen in the metals of Neodymium and Dysprosium is studied. 研究了稀土金属钕和镝中杂质氧和氮的测定方法。
- Hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen are constituents of the abundant volatiles H2O, CO2, N2. 氢、碳和氮是构成很多易挥发物H20、CO2和N2的元素。
- What are the purposes of helium and nitrogen gas? 氦气与氮气在这套系统中有何作用?
- The determination of impurity oxygen and nitrogen in copper-chromium,coppermolybdenum and copper-wolfram alloys is studied. 研究了铜铬、铜钨、铜钼合金中杂质氧和氮的测定方法。
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) shows that the reason is the increase of oxygen and nitrogen polar functional groups on the surface. 射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析表明,这是由于涤纶表面被引入了大量含氧和含氮极性基团所致。
- Wettability improvement is due to surface roughness and introduction of functional groups including oxygen and nitrogen. 增加表面粗糙度和引入含氧、含氮高结合能官能团是改善材料表面润湿性的主要原因。
- Besides coal, the most important natural fuel are gas and oil. 除了煤,最重要的天然燃料是煤气和石油。
- The first liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen equipments in china are born in Hangyang,the oxygen liquefaction and nitrogen liquefaction equipmens are also. 国内首台液氧液氮设备和氧、氮液化设备均诞生在杭氧,伴随着新技术和新工艺的发展,我公司也不断地推陈出新,为用户度身订造,研制新品奉献市场。
- Oxygen and hydrogen are gases. 氧和氢都是气体。
- The relative integral intensities of the ESCA core electron lines, oxygen and nitrogen to carbon, O18/C18 and N18/C18, are used to indicate the relative degree of grafting of acrylic acid (AA) and acryla-mide (AM) as monomers, respectively. 本文对表面接枝纤维用X射线光电子能谱(ESCA)进行分析测试,以谱中氮(或氧)原子1s内壳层电子和碳原子1s内壳层电子谱线的积分强度相对比值来表征接枝程度。
- Are gas and electricity included in the rent? 租金中包括煤气和电费吗?
- The relative integral intensities of the ESCA core electron lines, oxygen and nitrogen to carbon, O_1s/C_1s and N_1s/C_1s, are used to indicate the relative degree of grafting of acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AM) as monomers, respectively. 本文用X射线光电子能谱(ESCA)对接枝纤维分析,以氮原子的1S壳层电子和碳1S壳层电子的峰积分强度之比值,N_(1S)/C_(1S),来表征产物的表面接枝程度,以傅里叶红外内反射光谱(FTIR)进行测定佐证。
- Are gas and water laid on in the new building? 新大楼里煤气和水安装好了吗?
- It is found that plasma treatment can impart the acrylic fiber increased surface roughness and the improved hygroscopicity by the introduction of polar functions containing oxygen and nitrogen. 结果表明 ,腈纶纤维经等离子体处理后表面粗糙度增加 ,大量的含氧和含氮极性基团被引入到纤维表面 ,使纤维表面吸湿性能得到显著改善。
- The paper introduces the main constitute,circuit and work principle of the oxygen and nitrogen purity analyser based on fuel battery,and predict courageously the application foreground. 介绍了研制的一种燃料电池式氧氮纯度分析仪的主要组成、电路及工作原理,并对其应用前景作出了大胆的预测。