- Oven gas analysis system 炉气分析系统
- This paper briefly introduces the principals of ABL Blood Gas Analysis System,and discusses its daily maintenance. 本文简要介绍了ABL系列血气分析仪的工作原理和仪器维护保养的方法。
- The basic principle,current situation and application of blast furnace spraying coal gas analysis system of Chengde Iron and Steel Company are introduced. 介绍了高炉喷煤气体分析系统的基本原理、系统现状和在承钢炼铁厂的应用情况,分析了喷煤气体分析系统存在的主要问题。
- gas analysis system based on mass spectrometer 质谱炉气分析系统
- gas analysis system for converter 转炉炉气分析系统
- Applying the mass balance and the reaction equilibrium theory, a dynamic model of carbon content and temperature variation of BOF steelmaking process based on the Continuous data from the exhaust gas analysis system was built. 摘要根据物料平衡及反应平衡原理,利用炉气分析系统在线连续检测、分析数据,建立了转炉冶炼过程中碳含量及温度变化的动态模型。
- The safe oxygen content in coke oven gas is now controversial. 焦炉煤气的安全含氧量目前存在一些异议。
- The main equipment,technological process and equipment characteristics of the autoignition bleeding system of coke oven gas were presented. 介绍火炬自动点火系统的结构、控制原理及在加氢裂化装置中的应用。
- A new type gas analysis system in environment protection--Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis System 新型环境保护分析系统--傅立叶变换红外分析系统
- Key words: S7-400PLC local station,ET200 remote I/O station,the computer control system of coke oven gas power plant, the steam drum liquid level adjust control. 关键词:S7-400PLC本地站ET200远程I/O站焦炉煤气电站计算机控制系统汽包液位调节控制。
- Three-technology and economy analysis of dimethyl ether production by using surplus coke oven gas was analyzed. Its usefulness and production necessary were also discussed. 分析了焦炉煤气生产二甲醚的技术可行性及经济分析,二甲醚的用途,以及焦炉煤气生产二甲醚的必要性。
- Forced Swimming Test Analysis System. 强迫游泳实验分析系统
- He displayed admirably in establishing standard data, and a standard cost analysis system for our accounting department. 他建立了产品控制标准数据,并为财会部建立了一套标准成本分析系统。
- The optimal time to recycle the coke oven gas is that the pore distribution in the coke is becoming homogenous. 煤气的最佳返回时机是在焦炭中孔隙分布较为均匀之时。
- The coke oven gas, free of ammonia, is passed through two packed towers through which oil is continuously pumped. 经过脱氨处理的焦炉气,被送往两个填料塔,同时把油连续泵进塔中。
- A Digital Signal Processor-based New ECG Automatic Analysis System. 基于数字信号处理技术的新型心电图自动分析系统。
- Coke oven gas has many uses, hut its composition is very complicated, restricting its development and utilization. 摘要焦炉煤气的用途比较广泛,但其成分非常复杂,制约了其开发利用。
- Objective:To develop the real time analysis system of human motion. 目的:研制人体运动图像实时分析系统。
- Producing methanolfromcoke oven gas is a new route for coke oven gas(COG) application. 用焦炉气制甲醇是焦炉气利用的一个新领域。
- QRS detection is the foundation of automatic ECG analysis system. QRS波检测是心电信号自动分析的基础。