- Ours is no easy task. 我们的任务绝不轻松。
- In a country as vast and complex as ours, reform is no easy task. 国家这么大,情况太复杂,改革不容易
- Running a clean election is no easy task. 进行公证的选举绝非易事。
- Getting your wedding outfit right is no easy task. 穿着正确的婚宴服装绝非易事。
- Retrieving the nodules from these great depths is no easy task. 从这样的海底深渊中取回结核可不是容易的事情。
- Fiction writing as a means of living is no easy task. 写小说作为一种谋生手段绝非易事。
- But, to move crops to the PNW in a rapidly is no easy task. 但是,将作物迅速运往太平洋西北沿岸也并非易事。
- Becoming fluent in a foreign language is no easy task. 熟练地掌握一门外语是一项艰苦的工作。
- Becoming fluent in a foreign language is no easy task, ie is difficult. 熟练地掌握一门外语是一项艰苦的工作.
- They might look cute and huggable, but being an Olympic Fuwa is no easy task. 他们看起来也许是可爱而招人喜欢的,但是作为一名奥运福娃并不是一项简单的任务。
- As a small nation with scarce human resources,it is no easy task to nurture an Olympic or world champion. 作为一个弹丸小国,人力资源非常有限,因此要培养出一个奥运或世界冠军,确实是很不容易的事。
- As a small nation with scarce human resources, it is no easy task to nurture an Olympic or world champion. 新加坡是个弹丸小国,人力资源非常有限,因此要培养出一个奥运或世界冠军,确实是很不容易的事。
- This is no easy task, even in times of recession, given the specialised nature of much of the work. 事实上,由于我们大部分的工作都非常专门,即使经济衰退时要做到这点也不容易。
- This is no easy task, since it means you have to change, and change is not always easy. 然而,这绝非易事,因为它意味着你必须有所改变,而改变又谈何容易。
- With thirteen thousand employed at the company's Cincinnati headquarters, human resources management is no easy task. 仅设在辛辛那提的公司总部就有员工1.;3万人,因此人力资源的管理并非易事。
- Overcoming the centuries of fear and mistrust that built up after the exile of the dark templar is no easy task. 毕竟在黑暗圣堂们被流放的几个世纪中,积累下来的隔阂与猜疑不是那么容易就可以消除的。
- Setting out it business is no easy job. 开始做生意可不是容易的活儿。
- Making your way as a footballer in Brazil is no easy task, however, especially as a young girl. 在巴西做一名职业足球运动员的路并不容易,特别是一名年轻的女孩。
- Companies are struggling to find the right balance between supply and demand, but it is no easy task. 公司都力争在供应与需求二者之间找到恰当的平衡,但这不是容易的事情。