- Our views are identical. 我们的观点完全一致。
- Our views are not so far apart, after all. 我们的想法毕竟没有多大的分歧。
- We are identical in our views of what should be done. 我们双方对应当怎么办的看法是一致的。
- We can never agree our views are irreconcilable. 我们永远不能一致--彼此的看法无法调和。
- Our view are not so far apart, after all. 我们的见解毕竟没有多大的分歧。
- Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. 在这个问题上,我们的观点大相径庭。
- Our views are different from them. 我们的观点和他们不同。
- Our views are not so far apart,after all. 不管怎么说,我们的看法不是到目前为止才分离。
- We are identical in our views. 我们的意见相同。
- We are identical in our view. 我们意见相同。
- Our points of view are at opposite poles. 我们的观点截然相反。
- The two words are identical in meaning. 这两个字的字义完全一样。
- At the same time,we should pay special attention to explaining things to the masses,so that they will draw from their own experience the conclusion that our views are correct. 同时,必须注意群众的教育,特别是使群众从自己的经验中相信我们主张的正确。
- Their views on this problem are identical. 大家对于这个问题的看法是一致的。
- Isn't it true?! Our views are getting through the street between the buildings of the press and hotel, going straight to the front sea, to the direction of Qingdao trestle. 不是吗?我们的视线穿过了宾馆和报社的楼房,向青岛栈桥方向的前海延伸,这个时候,坐在海伦雅居的灯光里。我们只能看到这红红的灯在闪烁。黑暗中只有灯光。
- At the same time, we should pay special attention to explaining things to the masses, so that they will draw from their own experience the conclusion that our views are correct. 同时,必须注意群众的教育,特别是使群众从自己的经验中相信我们主张的正确。
- Those who take long views are broad-minded. 目光远大的人便也心胸开阔。
- Well, I know not what may be your conceptions upon this matter but I will tell you mine, and I hope I shall find that our views are not very discrepant. 好的,我不知道在这个议题上你的观点,但是我要把我的观点告诉你,我希望我将发现我们的观点差异并不是很大。
- His political views are rather extreme. 他的政治观点相当极端。
- The fingerprints of no two persons are identical . 没有两个人的指纹是完全相同的。