- Our soldiers sniped at enemy. 我们的士兵狙击了敌人。
- Our soldiers grappled with the enemy at close range. 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。
- Our soldiers took the enemy at vantage. 我们的战士冷不防地袭击了敌人。
- Our soldiers charged the enemy at sunset. 太阳落山时,我军士兵向敌军发动了袭击。
- Our soldiers were blazing away at the enemy. 我方的士兵持续不断地向敌人射击。
- Our soldiers harassed the enemy. 我们的士兵不断骚扰敌人。
- There's several enemy soldiers on the roof,sniping at our men. 房顶上有几个敌兵在狙击我们的战士。
- The enemy's defenses were strong but our soldiers broke through. 敌人的防线很坚强,但仍为我军突破。
- Our soldiers grappled with the enemy at close range . 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。
- Our soldiers laid siege to the enemy fortress. 我们的战士包围了敌人的堡垒。
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- A gunman sniped at them from the roof. 枪手从屋顶上向他们狙击。
- Our soldiers trounced the enemy troops. 我们的士兵击败了敌军。
- Our soldiers advanced bravely against the enemy. 我们的士兵勇敢地向敌人挺进。
- Film stars are often sniped at in the newspapers. 报纸上经常抨击电影明星.
- Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground. 我方战士寸土必争。
- He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp. 他奉令狙击任何在营地附近走动的人。
- Our soldiers put the enemy to flight. 我们的战士把敌人打得溃不成军。
- He wrote an article which sniped at the popular novel. 他写一篇文攻击这位受欢迎的小说。
- Our soldiers had rushed the enemy's trenches. 我们的战士已突破敌人的战壕。