- Our ships anchored alongside. 我们并排停泊。
- Ships anchored alongside a dock. 船停在码头边。
- We anchored our ship off the shore. 我们在岸外将我们的船下锚。
- The ship anchored along the shore. 这船在岸边抛下了锚。
- The vessel anchored alongside the quay. 船靠码头抛了锚。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- A small boat used to peddle provisions to ships anchored offshore. 小卖艇向在岸边抛锚的船只兜售货物的小船
- Our ships have engaged with the enemy. 我们的舰船已与敌人交战。
- We have many skilled seamen on our ship. 我们船上有很多有经验的水手。
- Our ship grounded in shallow water/on a sandbank. 我们的船在浅水中[在沙滩上]搁浅。
- Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong. 我们的船明天启航前往香港。
- The ship anchored off the island. 船在岛外抛锚。
- Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea. 我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。
- Our ship pitched about in the storm. 我们的船在暴风雨中颠簸。
- Our ship stemmed on against the current. 我们的船逆流而上。
- Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning. 我们的船将于明天上午停靠香港。
- At ports, cargo ships anchor near the docks. 在港口,货船停靠在码头边。
- When foul weather fogged the port, the ships anchored outside. 当恶劣的天气使港口被雾笼罩时,船舶停泊在港口外。
- Our ship was able to haul up just before it hit the submerged reef. 我们的船就在要撞上暗礁的时候停住了。
- They piped oil into storage tanks from ships anchored offshore . 他们从近海处抛锚停泊的船只上以管道输送油于贮藏箱内。