- Our plans have run amok. 我们的计划出了岔子。
- Our plans for rebuilding have run aground, as the council have refused to allow the necessary money. 我们的重建计划搁了浅,因为地方政府已经拒绝提供必要的款项。
- Our plans have gone haywire since the rail strike. 自从铁路罢工我们的计划已经乱了套。
- Our plans have been blocked by our opponents. 我们的计划受到了对手的限制。
- The humour of the gods had run amok. 神的玩笑开得太过火了。
- The director's plans have run foul of unexpected opposition. 董事的计划遭到意料不到的反对。
- Our plans for rebuilding have run aground,as the council have refused to allow the necessary money. 我们的重建计划搁了浅,因为地方政府已经拒绝提供必要的款项。
- Our plans have fallen foul of the new government rules. 由于政府发布新法规,我们的计划受到挫折。
- After many years, our plans have come to fulfillment. 我们的计画在许多年后终于已经来到实施阶段。
- Our plans had gone badly adrift. 我们的计划已严重受挫。
- Do you know our plan has taken the air? 你知道吗,我们的计划已告吹了?
- How can a crab refrain from laughing at a man walking forward when it has run amuck for so many years? 第一段是对图画的描述,非常简洁。
- The garments looked as if a jealous lover had run amok, and are widely held to have set back the cause of dressing down in Japan. 羽田孜因此声名狼藉。
- In Lae, witnesses said that hundreds of men and boys had run amok and that much of the coastal city had been brought to a standstill. 当地的警察和私人保镖未能阻止日益扩大的抢劫行为。
- Our plan has been laid low by his refusal to cooperate with us. 我们的计划因为他拒绝与我们合作而遭破坏。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- Our plan has been approved by the school authorities. 我们的计划得到校方的批准。
- What would you say if I told you our plan had been canceled? 倘若我告诉你,我们的计划已经被取消了,你会有什么意见?
- I've rushed round to tell you our plan has been approved by the leadership. 我是跑来告诉你我们的计划领导上已经批准了。
- Our holiday plans have gone phut. 我们的假日计画已经吹了。