- Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划失败了。
- Our plans have broken down 我们的计划已经破产。
- The plan has broken down. 计划失败了。
- I tried to break down his opposition to our plan. 我试图使他不再反对我们的计划。
- I tried to break down her opposition to our plan. 我试图瓦解她对我们的计画所持的反对意见。
- Our plans have gone haywire since the rail strike. 自从铁路罢工我们的计划已经乱了套。
- Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂。
- Our plans have been blocked by our opponents. 我们的计划受到了对手的限制。
- His car has broken down; he has to bus it to work. 他的车坏了,只好乘公共汽车去上班。
- Although talks have broken down the door has been left open. 谈判虽中断,但谈判的大门却未关。
- Our plans have fallen foul of the new government rules. 由于政府发布新法规,我们的计划受到挫折。
- The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统失灵了。
- After many years, our plans have come to fulfillment. 我们的计画在许多年后终于已经来到实施阶段。
- Our negotiations has broken down. 我们的谈判已经中断了。
- The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)据说和谈破裂了。
- My car seems to have broken down. 我的车好像抛锚了。
- Our plans had gone badly adrift. 我们的计划已严重受挫。
- Talks have broken down over the disputed territory. 对有争议的领土问题的谈判破裂了。
- The washing machine seems to have broken down. 洗衣机好象坏了。
- Do you know our plan has taken the air? 你知道吗,我们的计划已告吹了?