- Our house adjoins theirs. 我们的房屋与他们的毗连。
- Our house adjoins theirs 我们的房屋与他们的毗连。
- 6. Our house adjoins theirs . 我们的房屋与他们的毗连。
- Our new friends called at our house last week. 我们的新朋友上周曾来我们家拜访。
- The roof of our house is covered by shingles. 我家的屋顶是用木瓦铺的。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- You are always welcome to our house. 欢迎你随时到我们家。
- He is a frequent visitor to our house. 他是我们家的常客。
- Our house looks out on the river. 我们的房子面向一条河。
- Our house was washed away in the flood. 我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了。
- Our house is white ; theirs is brown. 我们的房子是白色的,他们的是棕色的。
- Just across from our house there's a school. 就在我们房子的对面有一所学校。
- Their houses adjoin the players', which make them proud and happy. 他们的房子毗连,使他们感到骄傲和高兴。
- Our house is rather off the map. 我们的家相当难找。
- We built an extension to our house. 我们扩建了我家的房屋。
- Breakfast at our house is a light repast. 我们家的早餐是很清淡的。
- There is a great tree in front of our house. 我们的屋前有棵大树。
- The golf course is behind our house. 高尔夫球场在我们房屋的后面。
- There are two oaken tables in our house. 我们家有两张橡木制的桌子。
- We shan't let our house go for less than 50000. 我们的房子低於50000英镑不卖。