- Our accounts conflict. 我们的报道有分岐。
- Kindly dispose of them at a moderate price for our account. 请以适当价格将货物出售。费用由我公司负担。
- Our account is nicely in the black this month. 我们的帐上本月颇有盈余。
- We are ten pounds out in our accounts. 我们的账上有10镑的差错。
- The interest accrued to our account. 我们存款长了利息。
- It's time we squared up,ie settled our accounts. 咱们该结帐了.
- We have just had our accounts audited. 我们的账目刚完成审计。
- Please do not put yourself out on our account . 请你不要为了我们而难为你自己。
- Please charge the sample to our account. 请将样品费记在我们的帐上。
- Please charge these goods up to our account. 请把这笔货款记在我们帐上。
- We'd better check the balance in our account. 我们最好查一查我们的帐户上还有多少钱。
- This payment should even up our account. 这笔付款会使我们的帐目平衡。
- Our account is in the black this month. 这个月我们的账户上有盈余。
- Please arrange bank transfer to our account. 请将参会费用转帐至我们的银行帐户。
- He doesn't know the nuts and bolts of our accounting system. 他一点也不了解我们会计系统的基本细节。
- Do you think they are padding our account? 你以为他们在给我们写花帐吗?
- Y our account is overdrawn three hundred dollars. 你的户头已透支三百元。
- Kindly dispose to them at a moderate price for our account. 请以适当价格将货物出售。费用由我公司负担。
- Air ticket between China and South Korea is for our account. 韩国到中国之间的机票由我们负担。
- Our accountant says the business is on the rocks. 我们的会计师说生意濒临破产。