- Our Group and Our Values 团队及价值观
- A wave of panic swept through our group and people started to cry. 恐怖的气氛笼罩着我们的队伍,很多人已经吓哭了。
- I'm in this study group and our presentation is due on Monday. 我在的学习小组明天有演讲。
- He is the man of our group and developed corporate bread-and-butter products. 他是我们组的大拿,本公司的拳头产品就是由他开发的。
- “I believe we are the best team in our group and our form had backed that view," added Owen. “我相信我们是这一组里面最好的球队,组里的形势支持这个看法,”欧文补充到。
- Let us articulate our hopes, our missions, our values and our vision instead of waiting for the government to state it for us. 让我们说出我们的希望、意见、价值观和期待,不要等政府为我们一一列明。
- To protect the American people and our values, we have banned enhanced interrogation techniques. 为了保护美国人民和我们的价值观,我们已禁止使用强化审讯技术。
- Let us articulate our hopes,our missions,our values and our vision instead of waiting for the government to state it for us. 让我们说出我们的希望、意见、价值观和期待,不要等政府为我们一一列明。
- Craig J McClain:This really goes back to work that was done by our group and doctor Deal's group over a decade ago. Craig J McClain教授:这是我们和Deal医生研究小组10年前的一项研究成果。
- One reporter, who showed great interest in Master and our group, raised a concern about his own wisdom eye. 其中一位记者对师父及我们团体深感兴趣,他问到和智慧眼有关的问题。
- Our values play an important role in the kind of framing that we do and in the way that we (and our frames) are perceived. 价值观在人们各自所作的那类语言构建中起作用,也在人们所热衷的(语言描述)方式中起作用。
- They were also very curious about the spiritual aspect of our group and continually asked about how they could contact us. 他们对我们团体所修行的法门也很感兴趣,并一再地询问该如何与我们联系。
- Our values directly enable us to deliver an uncommon level of performance and our practice is optimized to help our clients negotiate from a position of strength. 我们的价值观使我们能够不寻常的直接去交易。我们的作用是帮助客户在谈判过程中拥有强势的地位。
- Our group and others have recently detected all these signatures in the spectra of many newborn brown dwarfs [see illustration below]. 我们和其他的研究团队最近已在许多新生的棕矮星上,侦测到所有这些光谱的特徵讯号(参见左下图)。
- They broadcast our values and signal group affiliations. 让我们展现我们的价值观和团体归属感。
- Our values have changed in a way that endorses personal freedom in relationships, and our technology has changed so we can avoid having children without avoiding intimacy. 在配偶关系当中我们的价值观改变了,更注重个性自由。现代技术的发展也使我们不必担心孩子的问题。
- It is also a meaningful business because you can help yourself and others.We are confident of a bright future ahead of us with the support of our group and upline. 透过与组员及上线紧密合作,我们有信心为未来打下稳固的事业基础。
- The mud was soft and our feet sank in. 泥很软,我们的脚都陷进去了。
- Our group and Wrachtrup's have studied an interaction that could carry out quantum logic by using two spins that are near each other in the diamond lattice. 我们的小组和拉奇拓普的小组使用钻石晶格里两个邻近的自旋,找寻可以执行量子逻辑的交互作用。
- Much interest in Master and our organization was expressed and we were able to provide videotapes, recent reports and information on Master and our group. 许多人对师父和我们团体都流露出高度的兴趣,我们也将录影带及有关我们团体和师父的最新报导和消息,提供给他们。