- Ottoman Civil Code 奥托曼氏法典
- Social programs including the Law and Civil Code. 人际交往训练包括法律和行为准则。
- Crime of fraud belongs to civil code. 诈骗罪属于民法。
- Each state in the US has a different criminal and civil code. 美国每个州的民法和刑法都不同。
- The 1950 Constitution aims to secure for all Indians a uniform Civil Code. 1950年的印度宪法是致力于保护全体印度人而制定一部统一的民法典。
- They are called fathers and mothers by the civil code, which is puerile and honest. 在幼稚而诚实的民法里,那叫做父亲和母亲。
- The Draft Civil Code of Bolivia, Peru, Puerto Rico and the last Argentine draft regulate these rights. 玻利维亚、鲁、多黎各和新近的阿根廷民法典草案对这些权利作了规定。
- The enactment of Civil Code affords a rare chance for the improvement of invalid marriage institution in China. 民法典的制定为完善我国的婚姻家庭(亲属)制度提供了难得的机遇。
- The Draft Civil Code of Bolivia, Peru , Puerto Rico and the last Argentine draft regulate these rights. 玻利维亚、秘鲁、波多黎各和新近的阿根廷民法典草案对这些权利作了规定。
- The Ethiopia Civil Code is combined the Ethiopian national conditions with many unique legal systems formulated. 在法典中 ,结合自己的国情 ,埃塞俄比亚人创制了许多独特的法律制度。
- Moreover, the Republic of Paraguay decided to apply the Argentine Civil Code until 1986. 另外,巴拉圭共和国直到1986年都适用阿根廷民法典。
- There are two reasons of the making of the European Civil Code: the common market and the legal certainty. 《欧洲民法典》最主要的支持声来源于对市场统一的要求。 法的安定性也是要求制定《欧洲民法典》的依据之一。
- So the author claims that it is not proper to prescribe this system in futural civil code of our country. 主张不宜在我国未来民法典中对第三人侵害债权制度明文规定。
- None of main versions of civil code or contract law wholly embodied subjectivism or objectivism. 主要的民法典文本或契约法文本没有任何一个完全贯彻客观主义或主观主义。
- Now the Civil Code is in process of enacting , and the discussion about the systems increase day by day . 当前民法典的制定工作正在进行中,对于民法典中的各种制度的讨论日渐增多。
- Commonweal and private rights are the duality value to be concerned by system of limitation of action in civil code. 公益和私权是诉讼时效制度应关注的二元价值。
- The codification of the Civil Code provides a good chance for the second step revision of the Marriage Law. 民法的法典化为婚姻法的第二步修订提供了极好的机会。
- A provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire. 贝伊奥托曼帝国的地方长官
- Savigny's list of legal relationships should look familiar to anyone who has ever consulted a civil code. 萨维尼列出的法律关系清单,只要我们查阅过民法典,也不会对其感觉陌生。