- Otherwise it would take hours. 否则要花几个小时。
- I'm afraid it would take hours if I really look at everything. 如果把所有的样品都看一遍,恐怕要花好几个钟头。
- Otherwise it would belie their claim of a chemical explosion. 要不那会掩盖他们对化学爆炸的要求
- It's a good thing love is blind, otherwise it would see too much. 爱情之盲目未尝不是好事,否则会看透。
- It would take no more than 2 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by air. 坐飞机从北京到上海不超过2小时。
- It would take no more than 7 hours to go from Beijing to She yang by train. 坐火车从北京到沈阳不超过7小事。
- It would take a strong man to lift that weight. 身强力壮的人才能举得起那么重的东西。
- Many have said to me it would take a long time. 很多人对我说,我们的工作需要很长的时间。
- It would take a crash to stop it. 要想阻挡全球化,我们需要一次碰撞。
- Fortunately you acted as a go-between, otherwise it would have failed. 这件事多亏你搭桥引线。
- Everyone knew it would take an hour or more to unravel the aerial traffic jam. 大家知道得花上一个小时或更多的时间才能解除这空中的交通堵塞现象。
- The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden. 园丁估计他给花园除草需要四个小时。
- I knew it would take me to the smallarms locker. 我知道它是通往一个存放轻兵器的小铁柜。
- It would take him the rest of his life to pay off. 还清那笔贷款需要用尽他的余生。
- How long it would take for the news to get about. 不知道消息慢慢传开去要多少时间。
- Did you know it would take me the rest. 要知道此情今生难移。
- It would take a very clever thief several hours to work out even one of them. 就算是一个聪明的贼,花上好几个钟头的时间,也顶多能弄开一个锁。
- It would take days to tell it all. 三天三夜讲不完。
- It would take a lifetime to explore it again. 再探究它一遍会花去一个人的一生。
- It would take longer to make but it would endure. 可能要花费更长的时间来制作但是会更耐用的。