- Osvald Kapp 卡普
- W.Bahr collection /by Osvald Siren. 书名 :Early Chinese paintings from A.
- Kapp for the China Council of the Asia Society, Inc. 书名/著者叙述 Communicating with China /edited by Robert A.
- William Kapp /edited by Rolf Steppacher, Brigitte Zogg-Walz, Hermann Hatzfeldt. 书名 :Economics in institutional perspective :memorial essays in honor of K.
- This finding is at variance with the results obtained by Kapp and Smith in their invitro studies. 这一发现与Kapp和Smith的体外研究结果不同。
- If so, the "second golden age" of reportage that Kapp imagined could continue for some time to come. 果真如此,卡普想象中的报导文学的“第二次黄金年代”仍将持续一段时间。
- This snow-free scene near Kapp Fanshawe (Cape Fanshawe) offers a glimpse of what may be the Arctic's rockier future. 卡普范肖(范肖海角)附近这个没有雪的场景让我们能够一瞥北极严峻的未来。
- COntactS:DarrelI Kapp Nancy McGUire QuaUty harvesting and processing of sardines and anchovies for the global marketplace. 向全球市场提供捕捞、加工优质沙丁鱼及鲤鱼。
- Writing for "The China Beat" (an online publication that I helped found), Kapp asserted that we've recently entered a "second golden age" of English-language reportage writing on Chinese topics. 在给“中国节拍”(我帮助设立的在线刊物)撰稿时,卡普断言,我们最近正进入有关中国主题的英语报道的“第二个黄金时代”。
- Visits China's South Africa for the first time “Si Pien Kapp” escort ship's Captain Colonel Mani standard, completely researches and develops to the Chinese warship by Chinese feels very surprised. 首次访问中国的南非“斯皮恩卡普”号护卫舰的舰长马尼格上校,则对中国军舰全部都由中国人自己研发感到十分惊讶。
- The 57th minute, the Kapp Germany vera long pass, right flank the Piret forbidden area taps the middle of the mill, post Sa Luo river - Rodriguez with ease pushes shoots the hit, 3-2. 第57分钟,卡普德维拉长传,皮雷禁区右侧轻敲中路,冈萨洛-罗德里格斯轻松推射命中,3-2。
- “Si Pien Kapp” escort ship this visit to China, is China and South Africa establishes diplomatic relations in a tenth anniversary series celebration important content. “斯皮恩卡普”号护卫舰此次访华,是中国和南非建交十周年系列庆祝活动中的一项重要内容。
- Osvald 奥斯瓦尔德
- Kapp rs circle diagram 卡普圆图
- Kapp rs constant 卡普常数
- Kappn. 卡普
- Kapp line 卡普线
- Kapp method 卡法
- Kapp phase advancer 卡普相位超前补偿器,卡普振子
- Kapp vibrator 卡普相位超前补偿器,卡普振子