- Oscillatoria violacean. 紫色颤藻
- Primula alpicola var. violacea,2. P.florin-dae,3. P . alpicola, 4. P. cawdoriana, 5. P . 根据光照、温度、湿度及植被类型等因素将其生境类型归纳为4类:1.;林内阴湿型;2
- This is why the universe with the Stars did not get encouraging harmony had, Oscillatoria shot the endless mysteries of light waves of the songs! 这就是宇宙与群星为什么谐掁不巳,颤射着无尽的光波之歌的奥秘!
- Oscillatoria sp. 颤藻
- A total of 28 macrobethos species were found, consisting of Mollusca, Annelida, Crustacea, and Insect larva, with the dominant species being Stenothyra glabra, Assiminea violacea, A. latericea, Limnodriu hoffmeisteri, and Ilyrplax deschampsi. 共记录到28种大型底栖动物;主要由甲壳动物、环节动物、软体动物及昆虫幼体组成;优势种为谭氏泥蟹(Ilyrplaxdeschampsi)、光滑狭口螺(Stenothyraglabra)、堇拟沼螺(Assimineaviolacea)、绯拟沼螺(A.;latericea)和霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodriuhoffmeisteri)。
- Among 25 detected algae genera, Syne-chococcus and Chlorella were the dominant algae genera, as well as Chlorococcum, Scenedesmus, Oscillatoria anacystis and Naicula were commonly detectable genera. 检出的25个藻属中,聚球藻、小球藻占优势,绿球藻、栅藻、颤藻、组囊藻和舟形藻等也较常见。
- The results show that the main trihalomethanes from both Oscillatoria cells and EOM are chloroform and bromodichloromethane,and that the main haloacetic acids are dichloroacetic acid and trichloroacetic acid. 研究表明;藻细胞和胞外分泌物的三卤甲烷类副产物都主要是氯仿和一溴二氯甲烷;卤乙酸类副产物都主要是二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸.
- The superiority in order were Scenedesimus >Oscillatoria >Spirulina >Nostoc,the former inhabited the later.Aspergillus and Mucor of 4 species fungi in the experiment restrained algae in some degree. 选取4种藻做单独培养与两两混合培养,观察生长情况以研究彼此间的关系,结果4种藻间,其生长优势由强到弱依次为栅藻>美丽颤藻>螺旋藻>念珠藻,前面的藻均对后面的藻有明显抑制作用。
- The effects of chlorine (Cl2), permanganate potassium (KMnO4) and permanganate potassium composite (PPC) pre-oxidation on oscillatoria cell morphology and on coagulation process were studied. 对比研究了氯(Cl2)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)以及高锰酸钾复合药剂(PPC)等氧化剂预氧化对颤藻细胞结构的影响及其强化混凝除藻的效果.
- Tissue Culture of Oxalis violacea 紫叶酢浆草的组织培养
- Oscillatoria amphibia f. unigranulalan. 两栖颤藻单粒变型
- Oscillatoria pseudogeminata var. unigranulatan. 伪双点颤藻单粒变种
- Oscillatoria tenuis var. shensiensisn. 弱细颤藻陕西变种
- Oscillatoria limosa var. disperso-granulatan. 泥生颤藻散粒变种
- Oscillatoria sancta var. caldariorumn. 清净颤藻温泉变种
- Oscillatoria sancta var. aequinoctialisn. 清净颤藻赤道变种
- Oscillatoria chlorina var. breviarticulatan. 绿色颤藻短节变种
- Oscillatoria princeps var. maximan. 巨颤藻大型变种
- Oscillatoria tenuis var. asiatican. 弱细颤藻西藏变种
- Oscillatoria principis thermalisn. 温泉大颤藻