- Oryza alta 高杆野生稻
- Corea del Sud ad alta cucina cinese beni agenti. 韩国喜厨家居用品中国代理商。
- Thon Hotel Vica Alta: Great Deals Available Now! 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
- Oryza meyeriana (Zoll.et Mor.)Baill. 野生于海南,少见。
- Additional key words:Oryza sativa,oxidative stress. 额外的要害词:不施肥处理、氧化应激。
- Study on Rapid Propagation of Virus-free Opuntia milpa alta Haw. 脱毒食用仙人掌工厂化快繁技术研究
- My last day with the group was spent in Alta Gracia. 我和车队在一起度过的最后一天是在阿尔塔.;格雷希亚。
- Title: Tissue Culture of Edible Cactus (Opuntia milpa Alta. 关键词:米邦塔;组织培养;增殖;生根
- Historical Review on the Genomic Denomination of the Genus Oryza L. 植物染色体组命名的历史回顾。
- Di credito e di alta lode famoso per un lungo periodo di tempo. 信用度高、久誉盛名。
- Effect of Different Hormones on Mesocotyl Length in Oryza sativa L. 外源激素对水稻中胚轴伸长的影响。
- Genetic Study on Callus Growth Ability in Oryza sativa L. 水稻愈伤组织增殖力的遗传研究。
- Objective: To study anti-aging actions of Opuntia milpa alta Haw(OMAH). 目的 :探讨米邦塔仙人掌 (OMAH)的抗衰老作用。
- Leaf sheaths and stems of 0ryza alta were used as experimental materials. 本实验以高秆野生稻的幼嫩叶鞘和茎为材料。
- Genetic Analysis of an Albino Mutation by T-DNA Insertion in Oryza sativa L. T-DNA插入产生的水稻白化苗突变的遗传分析。
- Tissue Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Opuntia milpa alta Haw. 食用仙人掌的离体培养及其快速繁殖
- Contents of endogenous GA.IAA and ABA in semidwarf rice(Oryza sativa L. ). 半矮秆水稻内源GA与IAA和ABA的含量
- Title: QTL Dissection of Plant Height Components in Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:水稻;株高;数量性状基因座位;基因定位;上位性
- Title: Study on Root Characters of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:水稻;陆稻;根长;根基粗;叶片水势
- In vitro Anther Culture and Plant Regeneration of Oryza meyeriana Baill. 与相似的文献。