- The value of diamond is above ruby. 钻石的价值比红宝石高。
- Specifies the page orientation of the report. 指定报表的页面方向。
- He keeps in the safe$3 million worth of diamond. 他在保险箱里放著值三百万元的钻石。
- He keeps in the safe $3 million worth of diamond. 他在保险箱里放著值三百万元的钻石。
- Well,you can have taken a trick with 10 of diamond. 嗨,你本可以用方块10赢一墩牌的。
- That's also the tenet of Diamond Business Club. 这也正是达盟商务俱乐部的宗旨。
- Hardness is a quality of diamond. 坚硬是钻石的特性。
- CAD for crown profile curve fitting of diamond bit. 金刚石钻头冠部曲线拟合的计算机辅助设计。
- An orientation of a complete graph is called a tournament. 完全图的定向图称为竞赛图。
- All the necklaces were not made of diamond. 并非所有的项链都由钻石制成。
- Each table has little pot of diamond honey . 每一张桌子上都有盛果酱品的发票。
- Strategic Orientation of a Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. 某装饰设计工程有限公司战略定位的思考。
- Each table have little pot of diamond honey. 每一张桌子上都有盛果酱品的发票。
- Communicate with tutor to confirm orientation of the thesis. 与指导老师沟通,确定论文大方向。
- He is a successful exporter of diamonds. 他是事业有成的钻石出口商。
- Value Orientation of Environmental Education in the U.S. 论美国环境教育的价值取向。
- CSD is a new product of diamond abrasive. CSD是一种金刚石磨料的新品种。
- He is a successful exporter of diamond. 他是一个成功的珠宝出口商。
- Keep the orientation of advanced culture firmly in hand. 牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向。
- Exports of diamond from Surat exceed US$ 8 billion. 按价值计算,印度每年供应全球钻石总量的60%25;