- Organic apple orchard 无公害苹果园
- After the storm she gather a basketful of windfall in the apple orchard. 风暴过後,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
- There is an apple orchard behind the house. 房子后面有一个苹果园。
- Last night's gale played havoc with the apple orchard. 昨夜的大风使苹果园遭受重大损害。
- She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard. 她受雇于一个苹果园主。
- The office building overlooks the apple orchard. 办公大楼俯瞰着苹果园。
- Red Delicious: King of the Apple Orchard? 红极品苹果:苹果果园之王?
- Near the southern end of the village was a large apple orchard. 靠近村子南头是一个很大的苹果园。
- After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard. 风暴过後,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
- My uncle has an apple orchard. 我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。
- Organic apples in a whicker basket. 苹果篮图片 Apple Basket.
- I like to make a bottle full of ice cold Ribena with a dash of organic apple cider every night before I sleep. 每晚睡觉前,我喜欢弄满满一瓶冰镇利宾纳和一点有机苹果酒混合的饮料。
- My grandfather has a large vegetable garden and an apple orchard behind his house. 我祖父在房后有一个大菜园和一个苹果园。
- Apple orchards now stretch for 25000 acres. 苹果园现在己有25000英亩。
- Organic apple cider vinegar will help dissolve the bone spur. Take a tablespoon three times a day, organic honey may be added for flavour. 有机苹果醋有助分解骨刺,一天三次,每次一汤匙,可加入有机蜜糖以调味。
- Organic Apple and Banana Whole Fruit Powders-a blend of antioxidant-rich fruit concentrates for added nourishment and a taste kids will love. 有机的苹果和香蕉的水果浓缩粉,抗氧化成分丰富,特别添加既有营养而且口感小朋友都喜欢。
- Following the West Valley, we climbed more peaks and ridges, passed through the fragrant apple orchard, and lingered for a while by Black Dragon Pool. 我们沿着西溪,翻山越岭,穿过果香扑鼻的苹果园,在黑龙潭附近待了老半天。
- Agreal: I know it hits you hard. She practically raised you. Her abbey was like a second home and the apple orchard became your favorite playground. 我知道这对你打击很大;是她抚养了你;她的修道院是你的第二故乡;那里的苹果园是你最喜欢的乐园.
- The same team found organic apple puree contained more phenols, flaonoids and itamin C than conentional ersions. Apple puree is a popular food choice for babies. 同一研究小组还发现有机苹果果泥比普通苹果果泥含有较高的酚类、黄酮和维生素C。苹果果泥是颇受欢迎的婴儿食品。
- Thesame team found organic apple puree contained more phenols, flavonoidsand vitamin C than conventional versions. Apple puree is a popular foodchoice for babies. 同一研究小组还发现有机苹果果泥比普通苹果果泥含有较高的酚类、黄酮和维生素C。苹果果泥是颇受欢迎的婴儿食品。