- But Marie Sklodowaka was not an ordinary woman. 但是玛丽斯可罗多夫斯卡不是一个普通人。
- Wow. What? You don't think you need help here? Susan is no ordinary woman. 什么,你不认为你需要点帮助吗?Susan可不是个普通的女人。
- Ordinary women never appeal to one's imagination. 普通女人绝对激发不起想象力。
- Marie Curie, hard, Gan ordinary women to do. 居里夫人,吃苦耐劳、甘做平凡妇女。
- No ordinary woman could manage it; no, not even a man with three heads and six arms! 别说是女人当不来, 就是三头六臂的男人, 还撑不住呢。
- She finally put an ordinary woman into a relentless mentality of the fall in Yu's biography. 她终于把一个普通女人的心路历程不屈不挠地塞进这本属于郁达夫的传记中。
- Wheras the steady and happy family will make the ordinary woman sublimate(qizhi gao guide )or temperamental. 而稳定幸福的家庭会让最平凡的女人都展现淡定优雅的气质!
- And Wyndham's writing expounds an idea that is the template for many a modern film - the ordinary man, and ordinary woman, who have to take on a heroic mantle. 温德汉姆作品中的另一个观念,在许多现代电影中成为了公式:平凡的男女主角套上英雄的斗篷,做出不平凡的英勇之举。
- It is said that the goddess could deliver the navigator from torrents, which is the reason why Mazu was converted into a goddess from an ordinary woman. 传说有个天妃能够拯救航海者于狂风怒涛之中,增强他们从事海上航行的勇气,这个神话是促使妈祖由一个普通民女演变为天妃、天后神的原因。
- I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick, that once the spell was broken, and they moved, you would see that they were just ordinary women. 我见过有些女人的照片。她们使自己的身体呈流线型,看上去如此迷人,明摆着是唬人的。这层魔障一旦被打破,她们一走起来,就能看出她们也不过是些寻常女子。
- The "male lead" plays the role of an ordinary man; the "female lead" plays the role of an ordinary woman; the "painted face" stands for men with distinctly different looks and characters and the "clown" plays the role of a humorous or an evil man. “生”扮演普通男人;“旦”扮演女人;“净”代表有明显不同外表和个性的男人;“丑”则代表幽默或邪恶的人。
- I am an ordinary woman. 我是一个平凡的女子。
- Not only the cadres in charge of women's affairs but also ordinary women should be concerned about political affairs. 这不单是指做妇女工作的干部,妇女群众也要关心政治。
- It can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths. 它能强迫一个正派的男人做出邪恶的行为,也能促使一个平常的女人找出隐藏的事实。
- You know Scarlett was giving a big whist party yesterday afternoon with all those common ordinary women there. 你知道思嘉昨天下午举办了一个桥牌会,所有那些下贱的女人全去了。
- It won awards for Dove's quirky “Campaign For Real Beauty”, which departed from convention by showing ordinary women in their underwear instead of slinky models. 多芬的广告“真实美丽大比拼”获得了大奖,这个广告抛弃了以往的定势,展示了普通的妇女而不是时髦模特的内衣装。
- At the downtown station, where people came and went too briskly for anyone to pay attention, two nuns went into the restroom and two fairly ordinary women came out. 在人们来而且去太活泼地任何人而无法专心的市中心的车站,二位修女进入洗手间,而且二个非常平常的女人出来。
- Ordinary women in general also show concern for national affairs and government work. There is increasing enthusiasm on their part to involve themselves in government and political affairs. 广大妇女关心国家大事,关心政府工作,积极参政议政。
- I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick,that once the spell was broken,and they moved,you would see that they were just ordinary women. 我见过有些女人的照片。她们使自己的身体呈流线型,看上去如此迷人,明摆着是唬人的。这层魔障一旦被打破,她们一走起来,就能看出她们也不过是些寻常女子。
- The ordinary women and their relatively ordinary ghost counterparts glimpsed in these stories provide a useful supplement to tales of idealized chastity martyrs or shamed adulteresses. 这些故事中普通的女人和其相应的普通的鬼为理想化的殉节或羞耻的通奸故事提供了有用的补充。