- Orbital Vehicle System 轨道飞行器系统
- Key Words Recoverable launch vehicle,Single stage to orbit vehicle,Reentry trajectory. 主题词重复使用运载火箭,单级入轨运载器,再入弹道。
- Air-breathing hypersonic vehicle(AHV) has been the next generation single stage to orbit vehicle and hypersonic cruise vehicle. 吸气式高超声速飞行器是下一代单级入轨和高超声速巡航研究的重点飞行器。
- V. K. Garg and R. V. Dukkipati, Dynamics of Railway Vehicle System, Academic Press, Canada, 1984. 陈水可,轨道车辆结构系统之动态分析,台铁资料季刊,第321期,2005。
- The ability of the vehicle system to record a snapshot of operating conditions when a fault occurs. 当汽车运行中出现故障时,该系统具有记录瞬间工作状况的能力。
- Abstract: The reform of official vehicle system is one of puzzles in public sector reform. 内容提要 公务用车制度改革一直是公共部门改革的一道难题。
- Katayama, T., Aoki, A., and Nishimi, T., “Control Behaviour of Motorcycle Riders,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 17, pp. 211-229, 1988. 丁定华,四轮车与三轮车在加速转向时之稳定分析,国立中央大学机械工程学研究所硕士论文,1992。
- B.L.Boada.“Fuzzy-logic Applied to Yaw Moment Control for Vehicle Stability,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 753-770, 2005. 杨树,“电动辅助系统与车辆操控稳定性的仿真研究”,华中科技大学,硕士学位论文,2003。
- Based on analyzing of the vehicle system dynamics, the safety distance model is predigested and improved, some is determined. 在分析汽车动力学的基础上,改进并简化了系统安全距离模型,并确定了其中一些参数的取值;
- Knothe, KL., and Grassie, S.L., 1993, “Modelling of railway track and vehicle/track interaction at high frequencies”, Vehicle System Dynamics, 22, 209-262. 陈诚源,民国91年,”台北高运量捷运系统浮动式道床轨道之探讨”,捷运技术半月刊。
- The special glass of the orbital vehicle 轨道交通车辆专用玻璃
- The simulation results show that this model reflect the turbocharged diesel engine dynamic characteristics well and can be used in the dynamic simulation of total vehicle system. 仿真的结果表明,这个模型较好地反映了涡轮增压柴油机动态特性,可以将此模型应用于整车的动态仿真中。
- T. X. Wu and D. J. Thompson, 2004, “Wheel/Rail Nonlinear Interaction with Coupling Between Vertical and Lateral Directions,” Vehicle System Dynamic, Vol. 41, pp. 27-49. 张家豪;2002;“铁路车辆转向架系统于弯曲轨道运动之脱轨行为与稳定性分析”;国立成功大学机械工程学系硕士论文.
- Orbital Vehicle Re-Entry Simulator 轨道飞行器重返模拟器
- The launch vehicle lifts the satellite into orbit. 太空火箭将人造卫星送入运行轨道。
- Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition. 年国际无人驾驶车辆系统协会年度技术会议与展览。
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。
- Raman, A., Rao, J. S., and Kale, S. R., “Overturning Stability of Three Wheeled Motorized Vehicles,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 24, pp. 123-144, 1995. 李嘉恩,内倾式残障概念车之设计与实作,国立台湾科技大学机械工程学研究所硕士论文,2004。
- Vijay, K.Garg, R.V.,“Dynamics of Railway Vehicle Systems,”Academic Press Canada, 1984. 金学松、刘启跃,“轮轨摩擦学”,中国铁道出版社,北京,2004。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。