- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- Oral sexual act 口性动作
- Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act. 还有那么个秘而不宜的真正目的,便是让性行为变得索然无味。
- To engage in casual, often promiscuous sexual acts. 滥交从事随意,常是乱搞性行为
- I believe that a sexual act between consenting adults is neither obscene nor offensive. 我认为,同意的成年人之间的性行为是既非淫亵亦非攻势。
- A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point. 窥淫癖者从观看别人的裸体或性行为中得到性满足的人,尤指从一个秘密的有利地点
- Later, the sexual act between them was a dual communion between themselves and the continuum of time and space which they occupied. 后来,他们的性交就成了他们相互间的双向交流,成了他们所占据的时空的连续体。
- Likewise promiscuity, license and the disregard for the feelings of others would make a sexual act unskillful whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. 不管是对异性恋还是同性恋而言,滥交、放荡和对别人感情的玷污,都会使性行为成为“缺乏技巧的”。
- From the point of modern medicine and psychological viewpoint, masturbation is when the gender is actuation ego abreacts sexual act. 从现代医学和心理学观点来看,手淫是在性冲动时自我发泄性欲的举动。
- But since the sexual act is regarded as a service assigned to woman, on which are based the advantages conceded to her, it is logical to ignore her personal preference. 但是因为性行为被认为是指派给女性的一种服务,这是建立在她不得不接受的生理优势上。所以是合理的忽略她们的个人喜好。
- One may think that just any sexual act will help with relieving stress, when in fact it is the actually act of sexual intimacy that is the stress reliever. 人们可能认为任何性行为将有助于纾解压力,而事实上,是性爱过程中的亲密行为才是缓解压力的真正原因。
- He will take an oral examination. 他将接受口试。
- My oral English is pretty rusty. 我的英语口语全荒废了。
- In fact, most of the torture photographs have a sexual theme, as in those showing the coercing of prisoners to perform, or simulate, sexual acts among themselves. 事实上,多数施刑照片都有一个性主题,正如那些强制犯人彼此完成或模拟性交动作的照片所展示的。
- The right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud. 享有进行不论什麽类型的性行爲或性活动的权利,只要这些性行爲或性活动不包含非相互同意的行动,没有暴力强迫、有强制约束、有淩虐、有欺诈。
- Women’s magazines teem with advice of what to say, what to wear, and which sexual acts to perform in order to con a man into making some sort of tangible commitment. 女性杂志充斥着各种关于说什么、穿什么、通过什么诱惑手段令一个男人作出某些有形承诺的建议。
- Tongue twisters are used in our oral practice. 我们在口语练习中用饶口令。
- The oral opening in an earthworm is small. 蚯蚓的口是很小的。
- Psychologic painful sexual act of female 女性精神性性交疼痛
- The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine. 医生开了一剂口服药。