- Or natural clay? 天然泥?
- A chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas. 石油化学制品从石油或天然气中提炼出的化学产品
- Crude: Being in an unrefined or natural state; raw. 生的;原材料的;未经加工的。
- Of, characteristic of, or natural to a man. 男人的、男子特征的或天性就属于男人的
- Of, characteristic of, or natural to a woman. 女子的女子的,女子特点的,或女子天性的
- Slags containing Mn is used as the roadbed backfill instead of natural clay. 利用含锰废渣代替天然粘土作为路基回填土。
- Being in an unrefined or natural state; raw. 天然的处于天然的或未经加工状态的;生的
- The production or natural gas declined slightly. 下倾,下降;衰退,衰落;谢绝,拒绝
- TAIL : Customarily docked or natural bobtail. 尾:习惯上截去或者天生短尾线;
- Being in an unrefined or natural state;raw. 天然的处于天然的或未经加工状态的;
- The branch of pharmacology that deals with drugs in their crude or natural state. 生药学药理学的一个分支,研究处于天然或原始状态的药物
- Lacking intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity; uninterested. 没好奇心的,不感兴趣的缺乏对知识的渴望或本能的好奇心的; 不感兴趣的
- There are natural clay, granite, alluvial gold, copper, manganese, limestone, quartz rock, zeolite, clay firing inflation and other mineral resources. 自然资源还有陶土、花岗岩、沙金、铜、锰、石灰石、石英石、沸石、烧胀粘土等多种矿产资源。
- The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin. 边沿,边缘浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边
- Purple is a natural clay, rich in sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and other elements, can be alkalinized water quality, and enhance the body's immunity so good for health. 紫砂是一种天然陶土,富含钠、钾、铁、钙、锌等元素,可碱化水质,提高人体的免疫力,对健康很有好处。
- The essential function or nature of a thing. 本质事物的本质、功能或性质
- To alter in form or nature; transform. 在性质或形式上的改变;变形
- Equivocal, as in classification or nature. 不明确的,模棱两可的在类别或性质上不明确的
- Having the taste, smell, or nature of vinegar. 醋的有醋的味道、气味或性质的
- Considering the anisotropic behaviour of natural clay the new constitutive model employs an inclined ellipse as the yield surface, no longer the aclinic ellipse used in traditional modified Cam-clay. 由此,本文首先根据天然软粘土的屈服性状,将修正剑桥模型各向同性的屈服面改进为各向异性的椭圆屈服面;