- Online virus killing 在线杀毒
- Whether can cold virus kill cancer cell? 感冒病毒是否能杀死癌细胞?
- To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest pattern file and scan their system. Other users can use HouseCall, Trend Micros free online virus scanner. 趋势科技提供企业级用户,中小企业或家庭用户最好的防病毒及内容安全解决方案。
- Lassa fever is endemic to West Africa, the virus kills thousands of people each year. 拉沙热在西非流行,该病毒每年可杀死成千上万的人。
- The Ebola virus kills so quickly that the body’s defense system has so time to act against it. 埃博拉病毒杀死如此之快,身体的防御系统,以便采取行动的时候了反对。
- The achievement of this article-the professional RPC viruses kill tool, can detect theRPC bug in the operating system and the mainly varies RPC viruses, then offer the solution. 本课题的研究成果RPC专杀工具,可以检测出系统的RPC漏洞和目前主要的若干种RPC病毒,并提供解决方案。
- VIROTHERAPISTS MIGHT END UP combining the transductional and transcriptional targeting strategies to ensure that the viruses kill only tumor cells and not normal ones. 最终,病毒疗法可能结合转导导向及转录导向两种做法,以确保病毒只杀死肿瘤细胞,而放过正常细胞。
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- How does a virus attack and kill a cell? 病毒是怎么袭击和杀死细胞的?
- It can kill the type of virus that causes colds. 大蒜也是有益的,它能杀死引起伤风的病毒。
- Refer to netmeeting online help for using other netmeeting functionality. 使用NetMeeting其它功能,请参阅NetMeeting联机帮助。
- The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。
- You may use an online printer to print out the data. 你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。
- Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
- Whiteboarding also facilitates online meetings. 白板也方便了在线会议。
- Joy Chou had a live online interview last night. 昨晚有一个乔伊?周的网上现场采访。
- 2.The royal jelly contains rich VB and good proteide, especially the jelly acid with strong virus killing capability, so it is the good medicine for curing cancer; 2、蜂王浆富含VB和优良蛋白质,特别是含杀菌力强的王浆酸,因而为治癌良药;
- The computer might not support online working. 计算机不能承载联机工作。
- Can I find the stock quotations online? 我可以在线查看股市行情吗?
- Sewage and waste from the island is heat treated to kill any virus. 由该封闭孤岛出来的污水和废水要经热处理,杀死任何病毒。